• 50% of mice that were liveborn died before 3 weeks of age
• death between E7.5 and birth, incomplete penetrance
reproductive system
• prepuberal testes contain less spermatogonia or spermatocytes per Sertoli cell
• seminiferous tubules exhibit increased numbers of apoptotic cells
small testis
• testes show reduced weight beginning at 3 weeks of age, with average weight 67% of that of controls, with further reduction to 50% at 4 weeks of age
• disrupted
• spermatogenesis is disrupted, with a fraction of seminiferous tubules showing tubular vacuolization
• sperm count is reduced by 80% compared to wild-type mice
nervous system
• evident at E9.5 and in liveborn mice that died before 3 weeks of age
• evident in 33% of mice that survived past 6 weeks of age
• evident in 33% of mice that survived past 6 weeks of age
• collapsed, evident at E9.5
cardiovascular system
• evident at E9.5 and in liveborn mice that died before 3 weeks of age
endocrine/exocrine glands
• seminiferous tubules exhibit increased numbers of apoptotic cells
small testis
• testes show reduced weight beginning at 3 weeks of age, with average weight 67% of that of controls, with further reduction to 50% at 4 weeks of age
• prepuberal testes contain less spermatogonia or spermatocytes per Sertoli cell
• sperm count is reduced by 80% compared to wild-type mice