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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Naoyuki Miura
Summary 1 genotype
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Foxf2tm1Miu/Foxf2tm1Miu involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 MGI:2667135

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
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Mouse lines carrying:
Foxf2tm1Miu mutation (0 available); any Foxf2 mutation (21 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• all homozygotes die within 12-18 hrs of birth with meteorism

• formation of the optic canal, which is contiguous with the presphenoid bone, is impaired

• shortly after birth, mutant pups are unable to suckle, as evidenced by the absence of milk in their stomachs

• newborn homozygotes display a lateral shift of the maxillary shelves
• the palatal processes of the maxillary are absent or malformed
• the palatal processes of the palatine are absent or malformed
• the palatal processes of the palatine are absent or malformed
• newborn homozygotes exhibit a failed fusion of palate shelves
• newborn homozygotes display loss of the soft palate
• all homozygotes show an extensive cleft of the secondary palate without other craniofacial defects
• as a result, mutant pups fail to develop negative pressure in the oral cavity and are unable to suckle
• however, the development of Meckel's cartilage and extent of cell proliferation during palatogenesis are normal
• during palatogenesis, the tongue fails to descend and flatten to allow vertical-to-horizontal movement of the palatal shelves
• during palatogenesis, the tongue fails to descend and flatten to allow vertical-to-horizontal movement of the palatal shelves
• as a result, the tongue is abnormally shaped and partially located between the two palate shelves, physically obstructing the normal fusion of palatal shelves observed in wild-type mice
• homozygotes display meteorism i.e. an abnormally distended GI tract filled by pockets of gas and fluid within 12 hrs of birth
• the flatus first appears in the stomach, enters the intestinal tract, and eventually fills the entire GI tract

• formation of the optic canal, which is contiguous with the presphenoid bone, is impaired
• ossification of the presphenoid bone is defective due to secondary effects of the cleft palate
• the pterygoid bone is absent or malformed
• newborn homozygotes display a lateral shift of the maxillary shelves
• the palatal processes of the maxillary are absent or malformed
• the palatal processes of the palatine are absent or malformed
• the palatal processes of the palatine are absent or malformed
• newborn homozygotes exhibit a failed fusion of palate shelves
• newborn homozygotes display loss of the soft palate
• all homozygotes show an extensive cleft of the secondary palate without other craniofacial defects
• as a result, mutant pups fail to develop negative pressure in the oral cavity and are unable to suckle
• however, the development of Meckel's cartilage and extent of cell proliferation during palatogenesis are normal
• during palatogenesis, the tongue fails to descend and flatten to allow vertical-to-horizontal movement of the palatal shelves
• during palatogenesis, the tongue fails to descend and flatten to allow vertical-to-horizontal movement of the palatal shelves
• as a result, the tongue is abnormally shaped and partially located between the two palate shelves, physically obstructing the normal fusion of palatal shelves observed in wild-type mice

digestive/alimentary system
• although newborn homozygotes exhibit an air-distended GI tract, no morphological or functional abnormalities are observed in the foregut
• newborn homozygotes display a lateral shift of the maxillary shelves
• the palatal processes of the maxillary are absent or malformed
• the palatal processes of the palatine are absent or malformed
• the palatal processes of the palatine are absent or malformed
• newborn homozygotes exhibit a failed fusion of palate shelves
• newborn homozygotes display loss of the soft palate
• all homozygotes show an extensive cleft of the secondary palate without other craniofacial defects
• as a result, mutant pups fail to develop negative pressure in the oral cavity and are unable to suckle
• however, the development of Meckel's cartilage and extent of cell proliferation during palatogenesis are normal
• during palatogenesis, the tongue fails to descend and flatten to allow vertical-to-horizontal movement of the palatal shelves
• during palatogenesis, the tongue fails to descend and flatten to allow vertical-to-horizontal movement of the palatal shelves
• as a result, the tongue is abnormally shaped and partially located between the two palate shelves, physically obstructing the normal fusion of palatal shelves observed in wild-type mice
• homozygotes display meteorism i.e. an abnormally distended GI tract filled by pockets of gas and fluid within 12 hrs of birth
• the flatus first appears in the stomach, enters the intestinal tract, and eventually fills the entire GI tract

• formation of the optic canal, which is contiguous with the presphenoid bone, is impaired
• ossification of the presphenoid bone is defective due to secondary effects of the cleft palate
• the pterygoid bone is absent or malformed
• newborn homozygotes display a lateral shift of the maxillary shelves
• the palatal processes of the maxillary are absent or malformed
• the palatal processes of the palatine are absent or malformed
• the palatal processes of the palatine are absent or malformed

respiratory system
• newborn homozygotes display normal lung development with no significant alterations in differentiation and maturation of lung epithelial cells

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory