• female homozygotes weigh 6% and 20% less than wild-type controls at 5 and 10 months, respectively
• although weights of male homozygotes do not differ significantly by genotype, pooled weight data indicates a significant effect of genotype, with mutant mice weighing less than wild-type controls
• when fed a diet containing 14% kcal from fat, homozygotes gain less weight than control mice, as determined by body weights at 2, 5, 8, and 10 months of age
adipose tissue
• at 12 months of age, homozygotes display reduced gonadal fat pad weight relative to wild-type controls
• at 12 months of age, homozygotes display less fat than wild-type controls as a percentage of total body weight
• at 2 months of age, homozygotes display a trend toward reduced plasma insulin levels, suggesting increased insulin sensitivity
• in mutant liver, the palmitate content is lower in triacylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine
• in mutant liver, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine contains about 21% less palmitate in the sn-1 position and 36 and 40%, respectively, more arachidonate in the sn-2 position
• at 2 months of age, homozygotes display significantly lower total plasma cholesterol levels relative to control mice
• at 2 months of age, female homozygotes display reduced plasma HDL cholesterol levels relative to control mice
• at 2 months of age, female homozygotes show a 15% reduction in plasma triacylglycerol levels relative to control mice
• reduced plasma triacylglycerol levels are due to a 30% decrease in VLDL secretion rate
• at 2 months of age, female homozygotes display reduced VLDL triacylglycerol levels relative to control mice
• homozygotes display changes in fatty acid content of triacylglycerol and cholesterol esters, and altered positioning of specific fatty acids, particularly palmitate and arachidonate, in phospholipids
• at 2 months of age, female homozygotes show a 37% reduction in liver triacylglycerol content relative to control mice
• in contrast, hepatic cholesterol and phospholipid contents remain normal
liver/biliary system
• at 2 months of age, female homozygotes show a 37% reduction in liver triacylglycerol content relative to control mice
• in contrast, hepatic cholesterol and phospholipid contents remain normal