• apparent in most at 3 months of age
renal/urinary system
• formation of ballooning glomerular capillaries in late gestation
• apparent in most at 3 months of age
• delayed formation of the renal glomerulus mesangium
• embryos exhibit a reduction in the number of mesangial cells in glomeruli at late gestation, leading to the formation of ballooning glomerular capillaries
• the mesangial cell deficiency is temporary and by 1 month of age, most glomeruli are normalized
• by 6 months of age, mice show extensive accumulation of extracellular matrix
• about 10% display white ocular opacities
• 100% penetrance
• the retinal vasculature is severely disorganized and retinal vessels are abnormal from the onset of sprouting
• plexus formation is delayed and asymmetric at P2, the vascular plexuses at P5 are highly irregular and display fewer sprouts and sites with increased as well as decreased vascular density
• vascular remodeling occurs but the pattern of remodeled vessels is abnormal, with a shortage of branch points
• retinal plexuses show a significant reduction in the pericyte density and pericytes in the retina are partially detached from the endothelium
• invasion of retinal pigment epithelial cells
• degeneration of the nuclear layer
• degeneration of the photoreceptor layer
• fibrosis and traction
cardiovascular system
• abnormal capillary morphology in postnatal mice
• formation of ballooning glomerular capillaries in late gestation
• the retinal vasculature is severely disorganized and retinal vessels are abnormal from the onset of sprouting
• plexus formation is delayed and asymmetric at P2, the vascular plexuses at P5 are highly irregular and display fewer sprouts and sites with increased as well as decreased vascular density
• vascular remodeling occurs but the pattern of remodeled vessels is abnormal, with a shortage of branch points
• retinal plexuses show a significant reduction in the pericyte density and pericytes in the retina are partially detached from the endothelium
• at E15.5, the number of pericytes in the forebrain is reduced to about 50% of normal
• pericytes in the brain are partially dissociated from the abluminal endothelial surface and protrude cellular processes away from the vessel
• pericytes in the retina are partially detached from the endothelium
• vessel-associated vascular smooth muscle cells are present but abnormally organized in the retina
• slightly growth retarded
nervous system
• invasion of retinal pigment epithelial cells
reproductive system
• vessel-associated vascular smooth muscle cells are present but abnormally organized in the retina
• embryos exhibit a reduction in the number of mesangial cells in glomeruli at late gestation, leading to the formation of ballooning glomerular capillaries
• the mesangial cell deficiency is temporary and by 1 month of age, most glomeruli are normalized