• at 2 months of age
• increase in the spacing between pigment bands and occassional absence of pigment in the midshaft
• becomes more notable with age
• significantly decreased latency in rotarod test
nervous system
• abnormal accumulation of proteins in perinuclear areas
• abnormal accumulation of proteins in the dendrites
• at 2 months of age but not at 1 month of age
• loss of Purkinje cells in lobule IX at 2 months of age
• loss of Purkinje cells in lobule VI at 2 months of age
• loss of Purkinje cells in lobule VII at 2 months of age
• loss of Purkinje cells in lobule X at 2 months of age
• abnormal filamentous lesions in the cerebellum of all 30-day-old mice
• impaired ER/Golgi and/or intra-Golgi trafficking in melanocytes
• increase in the spacing between pigment bands and occassional absence of pigment in the midshaft
• becomes more notable with age