• homozygous embryos die at E9.5-E11.5
cardiovascular system
• homozygotes exhibit randomized heart looping
• a ballooning of the pericardial sac and blood accumulations were found at various stages
• axial rotation was not completed or in some cases was not initiated
• at E9.5, homozygous embryos are 50% smaller than littermates and remain smaller until death
• cells of the notochord appear separated, do not form a compact structure and exhibit signs of apoptosis
• at E9.5, only 10-12 somite pairs have formed; these degenerate and by E10.5 no recognizable somites remain
• at E9.5, homozygous embryos are 50% smaller than littermates and remain smaller until death
nervous system
• a ballooning of the pericardial sac and blood accumulations were found at various stages