• intrauterine growth retardation following onset of reduced placental growth
• reduced placental growth
• placental maternal and fetal side-surface areas are reduced about 50% and harmonic mean thickness (a measure that emphasizes the presence of thin areas) is increased 128% compared to wild-type
• placental weight is reduced to 72% and 66% of wild-type at E16 and E19 respectively
• increased active transport initially compensates for reduction in permeability but by E19 this compensation no longer functions
• diffusion across the placenta is significantly reduced at E16 and over a greater range solute sizes at E19 at which time diffusion across the placenta is 45% of wild-type
• mutants with a paternally inherited allele exhibit intrauterine growth retardation, with birth weights 71% that of normal mice
• mutants with a paternally inherited allele, exhibit accelerated postnatal growth such that pups attain the weight of controls after weaning
• intrauterine growth retardation following onset of reduced placental growth
• fetal weight is reduced to 94% and 76% of wild-type at E16 and E19 respectively