• maternal folic acid supplementation extends embryonic development and ~20% of these mice are born, though they die within 12 days of birth
• unsupplemented embyros die prior to E9.5
• unsupplemented embryos are growth retarded at E9.5
• unsupplemented embryos are growth retarded at E9.5
• body weights of neonates maternally supplemented with folic acid are significantly lower than in wild-type
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show growth retardation after the first few days of life
hematopoietic system
• hematopoietic organ abnormalities are the putative cause of death of untreated embryos
small thymus
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid have an extremely small thymus
• neonates maternally supplemented with folic acid show no erythropoiesis
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show lymphoid depletion in splenic white pulp and thymus
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show a marked absence of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow and absence of extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen and liver
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show marked diminishment of the lymphocyte population in splenic white pulp and thymus
small spleen
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid have extremely small spleens
endocrine/exocrine glands
small thymus
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid have an extremely small thymus
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show impaired postnatal development of the seminiferous tubules
immune system
small thymus
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid have an extremely small thymus
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show lymphoid depletion in splenic white pulp and thymus
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show marked diminishment of the lymphocyte population in splenic white pulp and thymus
small spleen
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid have extremely small spleens
renal/urinary system
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show impaired postnatal development of renal medullary tubules
reproductive system
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid show impaired postnatal development of the seminiferous tubules
liver/biliary system
pale liver
• mice maternally supplemented with folic acid have pale livers