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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Daniel Markovich
Summary 2 genotypes
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Slc13a1tm1Mark/Slc13a1tm1Mark involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6J MGI:2682804
Slc13a1tm1Mark/Slc13a1+ involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6J MGI:3841123

involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Slc13a1tm1Mark mutation (0 available); any Slc13a1 mutation (39 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes show normal birth weights but are generally smaller than wild-type and heterozygous mice at 1 week of age
• however, significant differences are not apparent until 2 weeks after birth
• at 2 weeks of age, homozygotes of both sexes show a ~25% reduction in average body weight relative to wild-type or heterozygous counterparts
• weight disparity persists at least until 6 months of age
• homozygotes exhibit growth retardation associated with reduced IGFI serum levels
• growth retardation is evident between 2-6 weeks of age and is not compensated in adulthood
• at 4 weeks of age, homozygotes show a small but significant increase in liver:body weight ratio (5.31 0.47%, n = 14) relative to heterozygous (4.67 0.50%, n = 18) and wild-type (4.57 0.22%, n = 9) littermates

• homozygotes show a >30% reduction in serum IGFI levels relative to wild-type mice
• at all ages examined, homozygotes display a >75% reduction of serum sulfate concentrations relative to wild-type littermates
• homozygotes show a ~2- to 4-fold increase in serum levels of cholic, hyodeoxycholic, murocholic, chenocholic, glycoursodeoxycholic, glycolithocholic, and taurocholic acid relative to wild-type mice
• homozygotes display a higher urine SO42-:creatinine ratio and a a 5-fold increase in fractional excretion index (FEI) for SO42- relative to wild-type mice, while serum creatinine levels remain constant
• in contrast, homeostasis of other ions (including PO42-, Ca2+, Na+, K+, and Cl-) is normal, and no increase in urinary protein excretion is observed
• homozygotes display a 1.5- to 2.0-fold increase in the level of liver phenol sulfotransferase (ST) activity relative to wild-type littermates
• however, the average ST activity is not significantly elevated (1.1-fold increase) relative to heterozygous mice

renal/urinary system
• homozygotes display a higher urine SO42-:creatinine ratio and a a 5-fold increase in fractional excretion index (FEI) for SO42- relative to wild-type mice, while serum creatinine levels remain constant
• in contrast, homeostasis of other ions (including PO42-, Ca2+, Na+, K+, and Cl-) is normal, and no increase in urinary protein excretion is observed
• in homozygotes, Na+-dependent SO42- uptake is reduced by 90% in renal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) and abolished in ileal BBMVs
• in contrast, Na+-independent SO42- uptake and Na+-dependent glucose uptake remain unaffected relative to wild-type controls

reproductive system
• a few female homozygotes display blood spotting or miscarriages in several pregnancies at ~14 days of gestation
• female, but not male, homozygotes exhibit reduced fertility relative to wild-type or heterozygous females
• female homozygotes display a 60% reduction in litter size relative to wild-type or heterozygous littermates

nervous system
• at ~8 months of age, 27% of homozygotes exhibit spontaneous clonic seizures
• in some homozygotes, seizures can be elicited by the stress of simple handling
• affected homozygotes usually recover within 2 min

• at 4 weeks of age, homozygotes display reduced femoral length (0.91 0.04 cm) relative to wild-type littermates (1.03 0.03 cm)
• starting at 3 weeks of age, homozygotes show a ~10% reduction in tail length relative to wild-type and heterozygous littermates

liver/biliary system
• at 4 weeks of age, homozygotes show a small but significant increase in liver:body weight ratio (5.31 0.47%, n = 14) relative to heterozygous (4.67 0.50%, n = 18) and wild-type (4.57 0.22%, n = 9) littermates

• at 4 weeks of age, homozygotes display reduced femoral length (0.91 0.04 cm) relative to wild-type littermates (1.03 0.03 cm)

• at ~8 months of age, 27% of homozygotes exhibit spontaneous clonic seizures
• in some homozygotes, seizures can be elicited by the stress of simple handling
• affected homozygotes usually recover within 2 min

cardiovascular system
• homozygotes display no changes in systolic blood pressure relative to wild-type mice

involves: 129T2/SvEms * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Slc13a1tm1Mark mutation (0 available); any Slc13a1 mutation (39 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• heterozygotes display a >40% reduction of serum sulfate concentrations relative to wild-type littermates
• heterozygotes show a 2- and >4-fold increase in serum levels of murocholic and taurocholic bile acids, respectively, relative to wild-type mice
• heterozygotes display a higher fractional excretion index (FEI) for SO42- than wild-type mice
• heterozygotes display a 1.4- to 1.7-fold increase in the level of phenol sulfotransferase (ST) activity relative to wild-type littermates

renal/urinary system
• heterozygotes display a higher fractional excretion index (FEI) for SO42- than wild-type mice
• heterozygotes show a ~50% reduction of Na+-dependent SO42- uptake in renal (and ileal) BBMVs relative to wild-type littermates
• in contrast, Na+-independent SO42- uptake and Na+-dependent glucose uptake remain unaffected relative to wild-type controls

• at ~8 months of age, 5% of homozygotes exhibit spontaneous clonic seizures

nervous system
• at ~8 months of age, 5% of homozygotes exhibit spontaneous clonic seizures

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory