• Background Sensitivity: the darkened dorsal coat color on the CBA/J background becomes more subtle with age and are often indistinguishable from wildtype by 6 months of age
• on an agouti background the yellow pigment characteristic of agouti is replaced by black on the back but not on the flanks
• the effect on body size is variable with some homozygotes clearly smaller than normal and others not
• dark-staining urine; the urine of mutants turns the pine-bedding shavings a darker yellow than normal, suggesting a metabolic defect
renal/urinary system
• dark-staining urine; the urine of mutants turns the pine-bedding shavings a darker yellow than normal, suggesting a metabolic defect
reproductive system
• by 7 months of age
• Background Sensitivity: the darkened dorsal coat color on the CBA/J background becomes more subtle with age and are often indistinguishable from wildtype by 6 months of age
• on an agouti background the yellow pigment characteristic of agouti is replaced by black on the back but not on the flanks
• by 7 months of age