Phenotypes associated with this allele
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Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Catsper2tm1Gar mutation
(1 available);
Catsper2 mutation
(36 available)
reproductive system
• calcium-selective pH sensitive sperm current (ICatSper) is not detectable
• percent motility of mutant sperm decreases more rapidly than wild-type
• after 90 minutes in viscous conditions, sperm lose their motility compared to wild-type which move more vigorously than initially
• percent motility of mutant sperm decreases more rapidly than wild-type
• after 90 minutes in viscous conditions, sperm lose their motility compared to wild-type which move more vigorously than initially
Find Mice |
Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Catsper2tm1Gar mutation
(1 available);
Catsper2 mutation
(36 available)
reproductive system
• although mutant sperm exhibit normal forward velocity and percentage of motile cells, they are unable to generate the hyperactivated form of sperm motility required for fertilization, as revealed by the absence of high track velocity and nonlinear trajectory spermatozoa in mutant sperm cell populations
• in mutant sperm, normal forward velocity is maintained despite a slight reduction in average flagellar amplitude and a small increase in the rate of flagellar beat
• in a high-viscosity medium, mutant sperm lose their ability to swim forward, whereas wild-type sperm remain progressively motile with reductions in forward velocity of ~50%
• male, but not female, homozygotes are incompletely infertile under normal breeding and in vitro conditions
• however, mutant males display no significant differences in body and testis weights, testis and sperm morphology or epididymal sperm counts relative to wild-type littermates
• mutant sperm are unable to fertilize eggs with an intact zona pellucida both in vivo and in vitro
• in contrast, mutant sperm are able to fertilize eggs in which the zona pellucida has been removed
• mutant sperm are unable to penetrate the zona pellucida, despite normal forward velocity and percentage of motile cells
• however, mutant sperm exhibit normal protein tyrosine phosphorylation associated with capacitation, and initiate a normal acrosome reaction in response to intact zona pellucida
• although mutant sperm exhibit normal forward velocity and percentage of motile cells, they are unable to generate the hyperactivated form of sperm motility required for fertilization, as revealed by the absence of high track velocity and nonlinear trajectory spermatozoa in mutant sperm cell populations
• in mutant sperm, normal forward velocity is maintained despite a slight reduction in average flagellar amplitude and a small increase in the rate of flagellar beat
• in a high-viscosity medium, mutant sperm lose their ability to swim forward, whereas wild-type sperm remain progressively motile with reductions in forward velocity of ~50%