• embryos die before E12.0
• death at E11.5 primarily due to placental insufficiency
• after tetraploid rescue, death at E13.5 from hepatic hemorrhagic necrosis and poor myocardial development
• placental insufficiency at E11.5
cardiovascular system
• endocardium eventually becomes detatched from myocardium
• after tetraploid rescue, hearts become very degenerate and congested by E13.5
• at E9.5
• impaired development at E9.5
• by E10.5
• severe non compaction of myocardium
hematopoietic system
• mature megakaryocytes missing in embryos
• by E11.5, excessive nucleated erythrocytes in dilated sinusoids of liver
• limb development a day behind by E13.5
• only in embryos resulting from tetraploid rescue
• impaired development at E9.5
• only in embryos rescued by tetraploid rescue
• eye development delayed about a day by E13.5