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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Arthur Weiss
Summary 4 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Ptprctm1Weis/Ptprctm1Weis B6.129X1-Ptprctm1Weis MGI:3842291
Ptprctm1Weis/Ptprctm1Weis involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:3841485
Ptprctm1Weis/Ptprc+ involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:3841484
B6.Cg-Ptprctm1Weis Ptpn22tm2Achn MGI:3842290

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprctm1Weis mutation (3 available); any Ptprc mutation (191 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif-mediated cytokine secretion in NK cells is normal
• T1 and T2 B cell numbers are increased in the spleen
• double-positive thymocytes have CD5 and CD69 slighlty upregulated and are more responsive to in vitro stimulation
• follicular B cells are hyper-responsive to stimulation in vitro
• plasma cell numbers in the spleen is increased 4-fold at 3 months of age compared to controls
• the CD4:CD8 T cell ratio in the periphery is over 1.5 at six months of age
• CD44hi CD62Llo memory T cells are increased about 2-fold at 6 months of age compared to controls
• differences are noticeable at 3 months of age with increases progressing with age
• a slightly increased percentage of B cells express the activation marker at 6 months of age
• follicular B cells are hyper-responsive to stimulation in vitro
• the activation marker CD69 is slightly upregulated on both CD4 and CD8 T cells in vivo
• nave CD8 T cells are hyper-response to in vitro stimulation
• double-positive thymocytes are more responsive to in vitro stimulation than controls
• mild lymphadenopathy is observed in these mice
• perivascular infiltrates occur in the liver of mice over 12 months of age
• perivascular infiltrates occur in the lung of mice over 12 months of age

respiratory system
• perivascular infiltrates occur in the lung of mice over 12 months of age

liver/biliary system
• perivascular infiltrates occur in the liver of mice over 12 months of age

hematopoietic system
• T1 and T2 B cell numbers are increased in the spleen
• double-positive thymocytes have CD5 and CD69 slighlty upregulated and are more responsive to in vitro stimulation
• follicular B cells are hyper-responsive to stimulation in vitro
• plasma cell numbers in the spleen is increased 4-fold at 3 months of age compared to controls
• the CD4:CD8 T cell ratio in the periphery is over 1.5 at six months of age
• CD44hi CD62Llo memory T cells are increased about 2-fold at 6 months of age compared to controls
• differences are noticeable at 3 months of age with increases progressing with age
• a slightly increased percentage of B cells express the activation marker at 6 months of age
• follicular B cells are hyper-responsive to stimulation in vitro
• the activation marker CD69 is slightly upregulated on both CD4 and CD8 T cells in vivo
• nave CD8 T cells are hyper-response to in vitro stimulation
• double-positive thymocytes are more responsive to in vitro stimulation than controls

endocrine/exocrine glands
• double-positive thymocytes are more responsive to in vitro stimulation than controls

involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprctm1Weis mutation (3 available); any Ptprc mutation (191 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice die prematurely from multiple pathologies starting as early as 15 weeks of age
• 43% of mutant mice have died by 50 weeks of age compared to none in the wild-type control group

immune system
• granulopoiesis is increased in the bone marrow
• increased plasmacytoid cells are found in the lymph nodes
• B cell numbers are increased in older mice 2- to 8- fold
• T cell numbers are increased in older mice 2- to 8- fold
• B cells expressing activation markers are increased 26% in wild-type to 62% and 70%, in mild and severe lymphadenopathy, respectively
• mean IgA levels are 35-fold higher than controls by 14 weeks of age
• there is a 12-fold increase in IgG2a levels over controls in 14 week old mice
• T cells expressing activation markers are increased from 21% in wild-type to 34% in mice with mild lymphadenopathy, and 57% in mice with severe lymphadenopathy
• spleens of mice over 15 weeks of age weigh 3-10 times as much as controls
• expansion of the red pulp is noted in mice over 15 weeks of age
• expansion of the white pulp is noted in mice over 15 weeks of age
• 70% of mice over 15 weeks of age develop lymphadenopathy with about half the cases being severe
• generalized lymphadenopathy is observed in severe cases while lymphadenopathy is often confined to the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes in mild cases
• lymph node cell numbers are 2- to 8- fold greater than controls in older mice with swollen lymph nodes
• autoimmune lupus nephritis with autoantibody production leading to renal failure
• 63% of homozygous mice have anti-dsDNA antibodies
• auto-antibodies are detected as earlier as 9 weeks of age
• kidneys have interstitial nephritis characterized by the presence of numerous mononuclear cells, tubular epithelial cell injury, interstitial fibrosis, and edema
• the glomeruli exhibited increase cellularity, thickened capillary loops, and an increase in mesangial matrix
• karyorrhexis was noted in a segmental pattern
• numerous subendothelial and mesangial deposits of immunoglobulin proteins are visible, along with widespread epithelial cell foot process effacement

renal/urinary system
• proteinura greater than 30 mg/dl is observed at 6 weeks of age
• by 22 weeks of age, 54% of mice exhibit abnormal proteinura
• kidneys have interstitial nephritis characterized by the presence of numerous mononuclear cells, tubular epithelial cell injury, interstitial fibrosis, and edema
• the glomeruli exhibited increase cellularity, thickened capillary loops, and an increase in mesangial matrix
• karyorrhexis was noted in a segmental pattern
• numerous subendothelial and mesangial deposits of immunoglobulin proteins are visible, along with widespread epithelial cell foot process effacement
• some mice suffer from oliguria shortly before dying suggesting kidney failure
• some mice suffer from oliguria shortly before dying

digestive/alimentary system
• some female mice with kidney problems have extended stomachs full of undigested food
• these mice appear extremely thin and lethargic

hematopoietic system
• granulopoiesis is increased in the bone marrow
• spleens of mice over 15 weeks of age weigh 3-10 times as much as controls
• erythropoiesis in the bone marrow is decreased
• along with numerous megakaryocytes, islands of erythropoiesis and granulopoiesis are observed throughout the enlarged spleens
• increased plasmacytoid cells are found in the lymph nodes
• B cell numbers are increased in older mice 2- to 8- fold
• T cell numbers are increased in older mice 2- to 8- fold
• expansion of the red pulp is noted in mice over 15 weeks of age
• expansion of the white pulp is noted in mice over 15 weeks of age
• B cells expressing activation markers are increased 26% in wild-type to 62% and 70%, in mild and severe lymphadenopathy, respectively
• mean IgA levels are 35-fold higher than controls by 14 weeks of age
• there is a 12-fold increase in IgG2a levels over controls in 14 week old mice
• T cells expressing activation markers are increased from 21% in wild-type to 34% in mice with mild lymphadenopathy, and 57% in mice with severe lymphadenopathy

• proteinura greater than 30 mg/dl is observed at 6 weeks of age
• by 22 weeks of age, 54% of mice exhibit abnormal proteinura

• granulopoiesis is increased in the bone marrow

• spleens of mice over 15 weeks of age weigh 3-10 times as much as controls

involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptprctm1Weis mutation (3 available); any Ptprc mutation (191 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice die prematurely from multiple pathologies starting as early as 15 weeks of age
• 25% of mutant mice have died by 50 weeks of age compared to none in the wild-type control group

immune system
• there is a 12-fold increase in IgG2a levels over controls in 16 week old mice
• autoimmune lupus nephritis with autoantibody production leading to renal failure
• 25% of heterozygous mice express auto-antibodies as early as 18 weeks of age

renal/urinary system
• proteinura greater than 30 mg/dl is observed at 6 weeks of age
• 33% of mice exhibit abnormal proteinura by 26 weeks of age

• proteinura greater than 30 mg/dl is observed at 6 weeks of age
• 33% of mice exhibit abnormal proteinura by 26 weeks of age

hematopoietic system
• there is a 12-fold increase in IgG2a levels over controls in 16 week old mice

B6.Cg-Ptprctm1Weis Ptpn22tm2Achn
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ptpn22tm2Achn mutation (1 available); any Ptpn22 mutation (53 available)
Ptprctm1Weis mutation (3 available); any Ptprc mutation (191 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 33% of mice die between 10 and 12 months of age
• likely cause of death is glomerulonephritis

• decreased body weight is observed in mice starting at 6 months of age
• mice that survive to 12 months of age are smaller than controls

immune system
• double-positive thymocytes have CD5 and CD69 upregulated and are hyper-responsive to in vitro stimulation
• T1 and T2 B cell numbers are increased in the spleen similar to mice homozygous for just the Ptprctm1Weis allele
• follicular B cell numbers are reduced by about a third compared to controls
• a similar phenotype is observed in mice homozygous for just the Ptprctm1Weis allele
• plasma cell numbers in the spleen is increased 4-fold at 3 months of age compared to controls
• a similar phenotype is observed in mice homozygous for just the Ptprctm1Weis allele
• the CD4:CD8 T cell ratio in the periphery is over 2.5 at six months of age
• shift in ratio is evident at six weeks of age and lasts through 12 months of age
• CD44hi CD62Llo memory T cells are increased about 3-fold at 6 months of age compared to controls
• differences are noticeable at 2 months of age with increases progressing with age
• an increased percentage of B cells express the activation marker CD69 in vivo at 6 months of age
• a larger percentage of B cells express CD69 than controls in response to stimulation in vitro
• follicular B cells are hyper-responsive to stimulation in vitro
• a similar phenotype is observed in mice homozygous for just the Ptprctm1Weis allele
• the activation marker CD69 is upregulated on both CD4 and CD8 T cells in vivo
• double-positive thymocytes are hyper-responsive to in vitro stimulation
• lymphadenopathy is observed as early as 8 weeks of age
• is progressive with time and greatly exceeds the mild lymphoproliferation evident in each of the single mutants
• cell counts are variable with some counts being 10-fold higher than controls at six months of age
• lymphadenopathy is generally out of proportion to the degree of splenomegaly observed
• auto-IgG antibodies are detected in some mice starting at 3 months of age
• by 9 months of age, auto-antibodies titers can reach levels observed in MRL/Lpr mice
• perivascular infiltrates occur in the liver of mice over 12 months of age
• kidneys of 12 month old mice have perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates, interstitial lymphocytic infiltrates, and hypercellular glomeruli with evidence of segmental sclerosis
• perivascular infiltrates occur in the lung of mice over 12 months of age

renal/urinary system
• mice over 12 months of age have variable degrees of proteinuria
• kidneys of 12 month old mice have perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates, interstitial lymphocytic infiltrates, and hypercellular glomeruli with evidence of segmental sclerosis
• kidneys of 12 month old mice have hypercellular glomeruli with evidence of segmental sclerosis
• kidneys from mice over 12 months of age are pale and nodular

• mice over 12 months of age have variable degrees of proteinuria

liver/biliary system
• perivascular infiltrates occur in the liver of mice over 12 months of age

respiratory system
• perivascular infiltrates occur in the lung of mice over 12 months of age

hematopoietic system
• double-positive thymocytes have CD5 and CD69 upregulated and are hyper-responsive to in vitro stimulation
• T1 and T2 B cell numbers are increased in the spleen similar to mice homozygous for just the Ptprctm1Weis allele
• follicular B cell numbers are reduced by about a third compared to controls
• a similar phenotype is observed in mice homozygous for just the Ptprctm1Weis allele
• plasma cell numbers in the spleen is increased 4-fold at 3 months of age compared to controls
• a similar phenotype is observed in mice homozygous for just the Ptprctm1Weis allele
• the CD4:CD8 T cell ratio in the periphery is over 2.5 at six months of age
• shift in ratio is evident at six weeks of age and lasts through 12 months of age
• CD44hi CD62Llo memory T cells are increased about 3-fold at 6 months of age compared to controls
• differences are noticeable at 2 months of age with increases progressing with age
• an increased percentage of B cells express the activation marker CD69 in vivo at 6 months of age
• a larger percentage of B cells express CD69 than controls in response to stimulation in vitro
• follicular B cells are hyper-responsive to stimulation in vitro
• a similar phenotype is observed in mice homozygous for just the Ptprctm1Weis allele
• the activation marker CD69 is upregulated on both CD4 and CD8 T cells in vivo
• double-positive thymocytes are hyper-responsive to in vitro stimulation

endocrine/exocrine glands
• double-positive thymocytes are hyper-responsive to in vitro stimulation

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory