• affects some homozygous mutant mice
• due to shortened spine
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• three homozygotes and one heterozygote had normal hearing as assessed by acoustic brainstem response (ABR)
• tail vertebrae exhibit extreme variation in size and shape and irregular fusion
kinked tail
reproductive system
• some homozygous females die giving birth
• homozygous matings produce small litters
splayed ribs
• although at 5 months of age, growth plates, intervertebral discs, mature bone and marrow appear histologically normal, at 11 months disc, cartilage, bone and marrow occur in a disorganized agglomeration, while in some animals growth plates remain normal in appearance
• tail vertebrae exhibit extreme variation in size and shape and irregular fusion
• thoracic vertebrae are compressed, misaligned and misshapen
• cervical vertebrae are compressed, misaligned and misshapen
• lumbar vertebrae are compressed, misaligned and misshapen; however, lower lumbar and sacral vertebrae appear normal
• vertebral compressions are observed in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions
• long bones have very thin cortical shells
• few trabeculae are visible on 5X magnified X-ray images of long bones
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• eyes of 3 homozygous mutants examined ophthalmoscopically appeared normal