• at E14.5, the lens capsule is thinner than in controls
• the anterior capsule is extremely thin, whereas the posterior capsule is abnormally thick and diffuse at 1 day of age
• the close adherence of the iris to the remaining abnormal epithelial cells is further evidence of an abnormal lens capsule at 1 day of age
• at 21 days of age, abnormal fiber cells are surrounded by a very thin basement membrane that is often ruptured resulting in fiber cell extrusion into the vitreous and posterior chamber of the aqueous near the iris
• the cell cycle of lens epithelial cells is disrupted by E13.5 with 3-fold less cells being in the S phase or M phase
• at E14.5, epithelium is thin with the presence of blood cells found under an abnormal multilayered epithelium
• at P1, the lens epithelium is thin and the epithelial cells abnormally shaped
• at P21, the residual lens has no distinguishable epithelium and a thin basement membrane
• at E14.5, fiber cells displayed altered apical?basal polarity as evidenced by altered distribution of the tight junction protein, ZO1, disruption of apical actin filaments, and accumulations of extracellular matrix containing collagen
• at P1, fiber cells are poorly elongated and tend to be aligned more perpendicularly to the capsule than parallel
• at P21, the abnormal fiber cells are often extruding into the vitreous
small lens
• small lens size is discernable at 1 day of age and size is greatly reduced by 21 days of age
• small eye phenotype is discernable at eye opening at 12 days of age with greatly reduced eye size evident by weaning
• occurs in patches on the cheek by 21 days of age
• occurs by 21 days of age