Phenotypes associated with this allele
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Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Grin1tm2Stl mutation
(1 available);
Grin1 mutation
(68 available)
Tg(Actb-tTA)1Jzt mutation
(0 available)
Tg(Camk2a-cre)62Jzt mutation
(0 available)
Tg(tetO-Grin1/GFP)1Jzt mutation
(0 available)
• consolidation and storage of long-term nondeclarative taste memories is impaired in these mice when given doxycycline prior to or within three weeks of training
• mice given doxycycline have impairment of conditioned taste aversion
• mice are trained to avoid saccharin-containing water by being given a LiCl injection after water consumption
• control mice choose unsweetened water about 83.58% of the time 30 days after training
• mutant mice given doxycycline prior to training only choose unsweetened water 32.24% of the time
• mutant mice given doxycycline 2 weeks after training choose unsweetened water 25.63% of the time
• mutant mice given doxycycline 3 weeks to 4 weeks after training choose unsweetened water 27.99% of the time
• mutant mice given doxycycline 4 weeks after training choose unsweetened water at the same frequency as controls
Find Mice |
Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Grin1tm2Stl mutation
(1 available);
Grin1 mutation
(68 available)
Tg(Actb-tTA)1Jzt mutation
(0 available)
Tg(Camk2a-cre)T29-1Stl mutation
(2 available)
Tg(tetO-Grin1/GFP)1Jzt mutation
(0 available)
• deficits in learning, memory and conditioning are seen in doxycycline treated mutants where expression of Grin1 is knocked out and expression of Grin1-GFP in the CA1 region of the hippocampus is blocked but deficits in learning, memory and conditioning are not seen in untreated mutants
• with doxycycline treatment prior to or immediately after training mutants show significantly fewer freezing responses compared to untreated mutants in a retention test following a fear-conditioning task
• with doxycycline treatment just prior to testing (investigating the role of Grin1 in memory retrieval) no significant difference in a 1-month retention test following a fear-conditioning task is seen
• no difference in cued-fear conditioning behavior is seen with doxycycline treatment
• with doxycycline treatment for 30 days in the seventh month after training mutants show severe deficits in retention of remote contextual fear memory in a 9-month contextual retention test
• no deficit was seen with doxycycline treatment for 7 days in the seventh month after training
• no difference in cued-fear conditioning behavior is seen with doxycycline treatment
• 2 months after stopping doxycycline treatment mutants perform normally in 1-day contextual fear retention, visual memory, open field behavior and rotorod tests
• with doxycycline treatment prior to or immediately after training mutants exhibited longer escape latency in a hidden-platform water maze compared to untreated mutants
• with doxycycline treatment just prior to testing (investigating the role of Grin1 in memory retrieval) no significant difference in escape latency is seen
• deficits in spatial learning and memory are also seen in mutants with doxycycline treatment prior to testing in the transfer test compared to untreated mutants
nervous system
• with doxycycline treatment excitation postsynaptic potentials are absent in the CA1 hippocampal region
• no long-term potentiation is observed in doxycycline treated homozygotes
• with a 5 day doxycycline treatment no long-term potentiation is observed in mutants