• 50% die prior to weaning
• mice that survive to weaning have a normal lifespan
• mice exhibited episodic paroxysmal dyskinesia several days after onset of ataxia
• episodes of paroxysmal dyskinesia lasted several minutes and were exacerbated by stress
abnormal gait
• outward pointing of hindlimbs during motion
• male mice exhibited low breeding performance
• seizure activity detected by intrahippocampal and cortical EEG electrodes
• seizures lasted 1 to 4 seconds, had a spike wave discharges between 4 and 5 Hz, and occurred 10 to 13 times an hour
• spike wave discharges coincided with behavioral arrest of the mice, characterized by staring and slight head nodding
• evident from postnatal day 10 on
reproductive system
• dysmorphic uteri with reduced diameter
• although male mice showed poor breeding performance, they were fertile
nervous system
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• in contrast to Cacna2d2du mice, the overall anatomy of the central nervous system was normal
• no demyelination
• normal Purkinje cell morphology
• normal cerebellar morphology
• seizure activity detected by intrahippocampal and cortical EEG electrodes
• seizures lasted 1 to 4 seconds, had a spike wave discharges between 4 and 5 Hz, and occurred 10 to 13 times an hour
• spike wave discharges coincided with behavioral arrest of the mice, characterized by staring and slight head nodding
• cortical and intrahippocampal EEGs demonstrate seizure activity
• reduced current in Purkinje cells
• normal voltage dependent activation of Purkinje cells