• some of the mutants die before birth; however, most survive to the perinatal stage
nervous system
• at E10 the number of apoptotic cells in the forebrain-midbrain junction is increased
• by E11.5 apoptosis is more widespread in the telencephalon with about 30% of all cells being TUNEL positive
• at E12 - 13.5 the ventricular zone harboring neural progenitors is thinner
• at E12 - 13.5 the telencephalon is smaller compared to wild-type or single transgenic littermates
• at E12 - 13.5 all brain subregions are smaller compared to wild-type or single transgenic littermates
• at P0 the brain especially the cerebral cortex is much smaller in double transgenic mice compared to wild-type or single transgenic littermates
• the number of postmitotic neurons is decreased at E12 - 13.5 in the telencephalon and diencephalon
• at E10 the number of apoptotic cells in the forebrain-midbrain junction is increased
• by E11.5 apoptosis is more widespread in the telencephalon with about 30% of all cells being TUNEL positive