Phenotypes associated with this allele
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Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Chattm1Jrs mutation
(1 available);
Chat mutation
(59 available)
Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)1Lbe mutation
(0 available)
• mutant mice die by P14 - P15 following treatment with 100 ug of tamoxifen on P0 which results in excision of the floxed sequence in greater than 50% of motor neurons
nervous system
• following a low dose of tamoxifen (5 ug) on P0, which results in excision of the floxed sequence in 10-20% of motor neurons, an increase in doubly innervated neuromuscular junctions is seen
• in these doubly innervated neuromuscular junctions when a non-excised axon is present it is significantly larger than the excised axon
• mutant mice become noticeably weak by P9 following treatment with 100 ug of tamoxifen on P0
Find Mice |
Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Chattm1Jrs mutation
(1 available);
Chat mutation
(59 available)
Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)1Lbe mutation
(0 available)
• when receiving a high dose of tamoxifen at P0, mice display weakness at P9 and die at P14-15
nervous system
• at synapses innervated by a Chat +ve and a Chat -ve axons, the pre-terminal caliber of the Chat +ve axon is usually greater and never less than the Chat -ve diameter; average axon diameter at synapses with two Chat -ve or 2 Chat +ve axons are similar
• at synapses innervated by 2 Chat +ve axons, average diameter is less than the Chat +ve axon innervating a synapse also innervated by a Chat -ve axon; average diameter of axons at Chat -ve dually innervated synapses is greater than diameter of Chat -ve axon at a synapse also innervated by a Chat +ve axon
• these results suggest that activity differences between axons (Chat +ve - active, normal vs Chat -ve - inactive) determine size of axon branches at NMJs
• at NMJs that are doubly innervated by 1 Chat +ve and 1 Chat -ve axon, the Chat-positive axon occupies more than half of the total area occupied by both axons together (~85%); this is the case with both high and low doses of tamoxifen
• in high dose tamoxifen NMJs, this pattern is observed even though the majority of axons are Chat -ve, indicating that the greater area occupied by Chat +ve axons is not the result of a bias of higher Chat +ve axon numbers
• in NMJs innervated singly or doubly by Chat -ve axons, the axons fully occupy the synaptic sites, indicating that Chat -ve axons do not withdraw from synapses
• after a high dose of tamoxifen administered after birth (P0), mice become noticeably weaker than nontransgenic littermates