• females on a high fat diet gain less weight (70%) than controls by 25 weeks of age
• weight gain about 110% over controls in males but not in females on a low fat diet
• 130% increase in weight by 25 weeks of age on a high fat diet in males
• in both sexes but plasma glucose remains normal
• plasma levels elevated in males but not in females
• females with lower plasma cholesterol levels than controls when on a high fat diet
• increased plasma triacylglycerol in males
adipose tissue
• males on a low fat diet with epididymal fat pad mass about 200% that of controls
• females on a high fat diet with uterine fat pad weights about 65% that of controls
liver/biliary system
• liver weight of males on a high fat diet increased 200% over controls
• female liver mass about 93% of controls on a high fat diet
renal/urinary system
• male kidney mass about 120% that of controls regardless of diet
• females on a high fat diet gain less weight (70%) than controls by 25 weeks of age
• weight gain about 110% over controls in males but not in females on a low fat diet
• 130% increase in weight by 25 weeks of age on a high fat diet in males
• male kidney mass about 120% that of controls regardless of diet
• liver weight of males on a high fat diet increased 200% over controls