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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Shizuo Akira
Summary 6 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Nfkbiztm1Aki/Nfkbiztm1Aki C.129P2-Nfkbiztm1Aki MGI:3819765
Nfkbiztm1Aki/Nfkbiztm1Aki involves: 129P2/OlaHsd MGI:3047105
C.129P2-Stat6tm1Aki Nfkbiztm1Aki MGI:3819766
C.129P2-Stat6tm1Aki Nfkbiztm1Aki MGI:3819767
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S/SvEv MGI:5501494
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6NCrlj * CBA/JNCrlj MGI:5501495

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nfkbiztm1Aki mutation (0 available); any Nfkbiz mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• Background Sensitivity: 70% of mice die in utero, which is more than on a mixed 129P2/OlaHsd C57BL/6 mixed background

• inflammation of the ocular surfaces is accompanied by eye lid swelling, alopecia and abnormal hair growth around the eye
• at 4 to 6 weeks of age, mice develop inflammation of the eye lids
• many CD4+ cells, some CD8+ cells and few CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrate the skin of the eyelids
• 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms, mice exhibit infiltration of the submucosal area of the conjunctiva with inflammatory cells
• inflammatory cells in the conjunctival tissue are CD4+ and CD45%/B220+ while CD8+ cells are only detected in the conjunctival epithelium
• 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms, mice exhibit severe decrease in the number of goblet cells in the conjunctival epithelia

immune system
• 10 weeks after the onset of symptoms, IgE levels are higher than in wild-type mice
• however, IgE levels prior to 10 weeks after the onset of symptoms is normal
• inflammation of the ocular surfaces is accompanied by eye lid swelling, alopecia and abnormal hair growth around the eye
• at 4 to 6 weeks of age, mice develop inflammation of the eye lids
• many CD4+ cells, some CD8+ cells and few CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrate the skin of the eyelids
• 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms, mice exhibit infiltration of the submucosal area of the conjunctiva with inflammatory cells
• inflammatory cells in the conjunctival tissue are CD4+ and CD45%/B220+ while CD8+ cells are only detected in the conjunctival epithelium
• at 6 weeks of age, mice exhibit heavy infiltrate of inflammatory cells into the dermis
• mice develop progressive dermatitis that lichenifies
• at 9 weeks of age, mice exhibit inflammation of the perioral skin
• perioral inflammation is accompanied by erythema with excoriation and partial hair loss
• CD4+ and CD8+ cells infiltrate the dermis and epidermis around the mouth while many CD4+ cells, some CD8+ cells and few CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrate the skin of the eyelids
• however, dorsal and abdominal skin does not develop inflammation

• at 6 weeks of age, mice exhibit inter- and intracellular edema of the epidermis around the mouth and eyes

• at 6 weeks of age, mice exhibit inter- and intracellular edema of the epidermis around the mouth and eyes
• at 6 weeks of age, mice exhibit heavy infiltrate of inflammatory cells into the dermis
• mice develop progressive dermatitis that lichenifies
• at 9 weeks of age, mice exhibit inflammation of the perioral skin
• perioral inflammation is accompanied by erythema with excoriation and partial hair loss
• CD4+ and CD8+ cells infiltrate the dermis and epidermis around the mouth while many CD4+ cells, some CD8+ cells and few CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrate the skin of the eyelids
• however, dorsal and abdominal skin does not develop inflammation
• eye inflammation is accompanied by abnormal hair growth around the eyes
• eye and perioral inflammation is accompanied by loss of hair around the sites of inflammation
• at 6 weeks of age, mice exhibit spongiosis in the epidermis around the mouth and eyes
• at 6 weeks of age, mice exhibit epidermal hyperplasia around the mouth and eyes
• perioral inflammation is accompanied by erythema with excoriation

hematopoietic system
• 10 weeks after the onset of symptoms, IgE levels are higher than in wild-type mice
• however, IgE levels prior to 10 weeks after the onset of symptoms is normal

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Stevens-Johnson syndrome DOID:0050426 J:141704

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nfkbiztm1Aki mutation (0 available); any Nfkbiz mutation (33 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• increased numbers of T and B cells
• Th1 response in spleen and cervical lymph nodes indicated by IFN gamma and IL17 staining
• eventually develop splenomegaly
• memory or activated T cells increase in cervical lymph nodes
• eventually develop lymphadenopathy
• extra orbital lacrimal glands are inflamed
• periductal infiltration of CD4+ T cells and B cells
• splenocytes show a defective proliferative response to lipopolysaccharide but not to CD40, Il4 or anti-IgM
• elevated serum immune globulins
• high titers of antinuclear antibodies
• in vivo production of Il12 impaired
• impaired production in macrophages but in vivo levels near normal
• prolonged TNF alpha production
• at 12 weeks of age mice develop spontaneous inflammation of the ocular surface unlike in wild-type mice
• at 4 weeks of age, mice exhibit infiltration of inflammatory cells into the conjunctival epithelia
• at 14 weeks of age, mice exhibit heavy inflammatory cell infiltration in the submucosal areas of the conjunctiva
• at 14 weeks of age, mice exhibit moderate infiltration of the corneal limbus
• often present in aged mice
• atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in some mice at 4-5 weeks of age, in all mice by 10 weeks (J:91297)
• mostly in the periocular region initially (J:194832)
• eventually spreads over the whole face with skin erosion and hair loss (J:194832)
• dermatitis mostly in the periocular region initially

• increased apoptosis
• swelling as early as 2 weeks of age
• inflammatory effects in all mice by 8 weeks
• extra orbital lacrimal glands are inflamed
• periductal infiltration of CD4+ T cells and B cells
• at 12 weeks of age mice develop spontaneous inflammation of the ocular surface unlike in wild-type mice
• at 4 weeks of age, mice exhibit infiltration of inflammatory cells into the conjunctival epithelia
• at 14 weeks of age, mice exhibit heavy inflammatory cell infiltration in the submucosal areas of the conjunctiva
• at 14 weeks of age, mice exhibit moderate infiltration of the corneal limbus
• lymphocyte infiltration and loss of goblet cells in the submucosa of the conjunctival epithelium
• at 4 weeks, mild loss of goblet cells is observed in the conjunctival epithelia
• at 14 weeks, mice exhibit degeneration and loss of goblet cells in the conjunctival epithelia of both the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva
• reduced tear secretion

• atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in some mice at 4-5 weeks of age, in all mice by 10 weeks (J:91297)
• mostly in the periocular region initially (J:194832)
• eventually spreads over the whole face with skin erosion and hair loss (J:194832)
• dermatitis mostly in the periocular region initially
• some mice develop dermatitis-like skin lesions

• swelling as early as 2 weeks of age
• inflammatory effects in all mice by 8 weeks

endocrine/exocrine glands
• increased apoptosis
• extra orbital lacrimal glands are inflamed
• periductal infiltration of CD4+ T cells and B cells

hematopoietic system
• eventually develop splenomegaly
• increased numbers of T and B cells
• Th1 response in spleen and cervical lymph nodes indicated by IFN gamma and IL17 staining
• splenocytes show a defective proliferative response to lipopolysaccharide but not to CD40, Il4 or anti-IgM
• elevated serum immune globulins
• high titers of antinuclear antibodies

respiratory system
• often present in aged mice

• increased apoptosis

• swelling as early as 2 weeks of age
• inflammatory effects in all mice by 8 weeks
• eventually develop splenomegaly

• swelling as early as 2 weeks of age
• inflammatory effects in all mice by 8 weeks

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Stevens-Johnson syndrome DOID:0050426 J:96363

C.129P2-Stat6tm1Aki Nfkbiztm1Aki
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nfkbiztm1Aki mutation (0 available); any Nfkbiz mutation (33 available)
Stat6tm1Aki mutation (7 available); any Stat6 mutation (53 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• mice exhibit heavy infiltration of the submucosal layer of the conjunctiva with inflammatory cells
• mice exhibit severe inflammation of the ocular surfaces
• CD4+ and CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrate the subconjunctival tissue of the eyes lids with few CD8+ and CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrating the dermis of the eye lid
• mice exhibit moderate infiltration of inflammatory cells in abdominal dermis
• perioral dermis and epidermis is infiltrated by mostly CD4+ cells, few CD8+ cells and few CD45R/B220+ cells
• few CD8+ and CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrating the dermis of the eye lid
• mice exhibit severe dermatitis on facial and abdominal skin

• mice exhibit heavy infiltration of the submucosal layer of the conjunctiva with inflammatory cells
• mice exhibit severe inflammation of the ocular surfaces
• CD4+ and CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrate the subconjunctival tissue of the eyes lids with few CD8+ and CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrating the dermis of the eye lid
• mice exhibit severe loss of goblet cells from the conjunctival epithelia

• at 6 weeks of age, mice exhibit inter- and intracellular edema of the epidermis

• at 6 weeks of age, mice exhibit inter- and intracellular edema of the epidermis
• mice exhibit moderate infiltration of inflammatory cells in abdominal dermis
• perioral dermis and epidermis is infiltrated by mostly CD4+ cells, few CD8+ cells and few CD45R/B220+ cells
• few CD8+ and CD45R/B220+ cells infiltrating the dermis of the eye lid
• mice exhibit severe dermatitis on facial and abdominal skin

C.129P2-Stat6tm1Aki Nfkbiztm1Aki
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nfkbiztm1Aki mutation (0 available); any Nfkbiz mutation (33 available)
Stat6tm1Aki mutation (7 available); any Stat6 mutation (53 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• mice exhibit mild dermal infiltration of inflammatory cells
• few CD4+ cells infiltrate the perioral dermis and epidermis

• mice exhibit mild dermal infiltration of inflammatory cells
• few CD4+ cells infiltrate the perioral dermis and epidermis
• slight

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * 129S/SvEv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nfkbiztm1Aki mutation (0 available); any Nfkbiz mutation (33 available)
Rag2tm1Fwa mutation (45 available); any Rag2 mutation (119 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• inflammation dramatically alleviated

involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6NCrlj * CBA/JNCrlj
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Nfkbiztm1Aki mutation (0 available); any Nfkbiz mutation (33 available)
Tnftm1Sek mutation (2 available); any Tnf mutation (49 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• infiltration of B cells into the conjunctiva

immune system
• infiltration of B cells into the conjunctiva
• heavy infiltration of lymphocytes into dermis
• infiltrating T cells are mostly CD4+

• heavy infiltration of lymphocytes into dermis
• infiltrating T cells are mostly CD4+




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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory