• embryos are present at E10.5 but only partially resorbed embryos are found at E11.5
• increased apoptosis is seen throughout the embryo at E9.5 and E10.5
• the branchial arches are underdeveloped
• turning is absent in greater than 90% of embryos at E9.5 and E10.5
• at E8.5 homozygous embryos are developmentally retarded by about 0.5 days and this becomes more severe by E9.5 and E10.5 with significant underdevelopment of the head and branchial arches
• at E8.5 the allantois fails to expand and remains narrow and uneven without the numerous vessels seen in wild-type mice
• only isolated islands of endothelial cells that fail to coalesce in to blood vessels are seen in the allantois
• at E10.5 the allantois forms a large blood filled mass near the hindgut
• the visceral endoderm and mesoderm are more widely separated with few connections
pale yolk sac
• the yolk sac is pale and fragile
• at E8.5 failure of chorioallantoic fusion is seen in greater than 90% of embryos and in those where fusion occurs attachments are weak and placentation is not observed
• at E9.5 no organized vessel formation is seen and at E10.5 vessels are smaller and disorganized with many dead-end sprouts
• increased apoptosis is seen throughout the embryo at E9.5 and E10.5
• decreased cell proliferation is seen throughout the embryo at E9.5 and by E10.5 almost no proliferation is seen
cardiovascular system
• angiogenesis is impaired in the yolk sac and allantois; however early development of the dorsal aorta appears normal
• pericardial effusion is seen at E10.5
nervous system
• far less neural epithelium is present and the epithelial structure is disorganized compared to wild-type embryos
• at E8.5 homozygous embryos are developmentally retarded by about 0.5 days and this becomes more severe by E9.5 and E10.5 with significant underdevelopment of the head and branchial arches
• the branchial arches are underdeveloped
• pericardial effusion is seen at E10.5