• complete embryonic lethality is seen in female mice with maternal inheritance of the mutant allele and in hemizygous mutant males thus female heterozygotes can only be generated using male chimeras
• complete embryonic lethality is seen in female mice with maternal inheritance of the mutant allele and in hemizygous mutant males thus female heterozygotes can only be generated using male chimeras
• no live mutants are found beyond E11.5
cardiovascular system
• at E11.5 there is an almost complete absence of fetal blood vessels in the labyrinth and chorionic plate
• the primitive vascular plexis forms on the yolk sac but is not remodeled into an organized vascular network
• by E7.5
• at E7.5 the ectoplacental cone is smaller compared to wild-type
• at E11.5 the labyrinthine layer is thinner than normal and the demarcation between the labyrinthine and spongiotrophoblast layers is disrupted
• at E7.5 the chorionic placenta is smaller compared to wild-type
• at E11.5 mutant placentas are smaller compared to wild-type
• the chorionic trophoblast remains densely packed at the base of the placenta at E7.5 and contains more giant cells compared to wild-type mice
• at E11.5 the spongiotrophoblast layer is thinner than normal however the giant cell population is expanded and may form multiple cell layers unlike in wild-type mice
• the mesoderm and endoderm tend to separate resulting in a rough appearing yolk sac in mutants
• the number of blood islands is reduced in the yolk sac of mutant mice
• the allantois fails to invade the chorionic plate
• the primitive vascular plexis forms on the yolk sac but is not remodeled into an organized vascular network
• by E7.5
• in F1 females the number of photoreceptor cell bodies in the outer nuclear layer is reduced resulting in an irregular border between the outer nuclear layer and the outer plexiform layer
nervous system
• in F1 females the number of photoreceptor cell bodies in the outer nuclear layer is reduced resulting in an irregular border between the outer nuclear layer and the outer plexiform layer