• 52% (at 20 umol MNU) and 71% (at 50 umol MNU) of mice develop tumors compared to 87% and 100%, respectively, of wild type mice following repeated exposure to TPA
• 23 weeks after treatment with 20 umol MNU and TPA, mice exhibit 0.9 papillomas per mouse compared to 5.2 per wild-type mouse
• however, development of internal tumors following treatment with MNU and TPA is the same as in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit a slightly higher incidence of DMBA and TPA-induced tumors compared to similarly treated wild-type mice
• 23 weeks after treatment with 20 umol MNU and TPA, mice exhibit 0.9 papillomas per mouse compared to 5.2 per wild-type mouse
• 52% (at 20 umol MNU) and 71% (at 50 umol MNU) of mice develop tumors compared to 87% and 100%, respectively, of wild type mice following repeated exposure to TPA
• 23 weeks after treatment with 20 umol MNU and TPA, mice exhibit 0.9 papillomas per mouse compared to 5.2 per wild-type mouse
• however, development of internal tumors following treatment with MNU and TPA is the same as in wild-type mice
• mice exhibit a slightly higher incidence of DMBA and TPA-induced tumors compared to similarly treated wild-type mice
• 23 weeks after treatment with 20 umol MNU and TPA, mice exhibit 0.9 papillomas per mouse compared to 5.2 per wild-type mouse