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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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gene trap 1, Nicholas Katsanis
Summary 3 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Bbs4Gt1Nk/Bbs4Gt1Nk B6.129S7-Bbs4Gt1Nk MGI:6370045
Bbs4Gt1Nk/Bbs4Gt1Nk involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd MGI:3608977
Bbs4Gt1Nk/Bbs4Gt1Nk involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J MGI:3055585

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bbs4Gt1Nk mutation (1 available); any Bbs4 mutation (19 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 8 week old females, but not males, show a decrease in the percentage of freezing and an increase in the distance traveled on day 2 after introduction of the paired tone-foot shock stimulus in the contextual fear experiment indicating a reduction in contextual fear memory in females
• 8 week old males, but not females, show a reduction in the percentage of freezing and increased distance traveled during the cued conditioning session with the tone, indicating impaired cued fear memory in males

• marker analysis indicates an increase in autophagy in P1 and P7 brains
• however, no differences in oxidative phosphorylation complex activities are seen indicating tht mitochondrial dysfunction is not a cause of autophagy

• marker analysis indicates an increase in autophagy in P1 and P7 brains
• however, no differences in oxidative phosphorylation complex activities are seen indicating tht mitochondrial dysfunction is not a cause of autophagy

nervous system
• progressive decrease in dendritic spine density at P21 and P42, but not at late embryonic stages
• total spine density is reduced by 55% in dentate gyrus granule cells at P42
• total spine density on the basal and apical dendrites of layer V pyramidal neurons is reduced by 55% and 54%, respectively at P42
• total basal and apical spine density of basolateral amygdala neurons is reduced by 23% and 22%, respectively at P42
• total spine count of dentate gyrus neurons is reduced in all spine subtypes except branched spines, however only the density of thin spines is reduced (22%) when the reduction of dendritic length is taken in account
• reduction in dendritic spine length at E19.5, P21, and P42
• total dendritic length is reduced by 48% in dentate gyrus neurons and by 25% in basal dendrites of layer V cortex neurons at P42
• basolateral amygdala neuron apical and basal dendrites show a length reduction of 14% and 19%, respectively at P42
• miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents amplitude is increased in dentate gyrus neurons of 3-4 week old mice

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4 DOID:0110126 OMIM:615982

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bbs4Gt1Nk mutation (1 available); any Bbs4 mutation (19 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• reduced production of homozygotes in heterozygote matings
• about 10% of all pups die neonatally with 50% of these being homozygotes
• normal ratio of genotypes at E18.5
• no obvious abnormalities in embryos or dead neonates

• some outer hair cell stereociliary hair bundles are misoriented or have a flattened shape

• cystic structural changes involving primarily the tubules and occasionally the glomeruli are noted at 6 months of age or later
• occasional at 6 months of age or later
• both sexes tend to become obese with age
• females tend to be significantly overweight by 13 weeks of age
• males tend to become significantly overweight by 24 weeks
• 92% of females and 40% of males become obese
• females show a greater divergence from normal weight than do males
• weight increase due to increased fat and fluids rather than lean mass
• statistically smaller than litter mates at 2 weeks of age
• females remain underweight until about 10 weeks
• males remain underweight until 12 weeks of age
• in males

adipose tissue
• increased abdominal fat

liver/biliary system
• in males
• fat accumulation in the livers of obese mice

• elevated total and insoluble bilirubin in males
• increased ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol
• positive correlation between between body weight and HDL-cholesterol

immune system
• increased globulin levels

• retinas normal at 4 months but distinctly abnormal at 10 months
• 80% with retinal abnormalities by 11 months
• large atrophic lacunae
• confluent pigment migration
• gross pigmentary retinopathy
• thinned
• loss of nuclei
• photoreceptors appear as a single sparse layer of nuclei by 28 weeks of age
• both rod and cone responses show severe deterioration in electroretinography by 4 weeks
• by 8 weeks, a wave is 22% normal and 17% normal at 14 weeks
• at 4 weeks, scotopic b wave is 58% normal, 42% normal at 8 weeks, and 22% normal at 14 weeks
• 4 week cone function b wave is 12% normal, 7% at 8 weeks and at 14 weeks

• less socially aggressive
• less rearing activity in open field tests
• more time spent in dark box and fewer transitions to light

nervous system
• neural tube defects in 14% of embryos result in midbrain exencephaly
• some outer hair cell stereociliary hair bundles are misoriented or have a flattened shape

reproductive system
• in one of 22 females

cardiovascular system

• confluent pigment migration
• gross pigmentary retinopathy

• neural tube defects in 14% of embryos result in midbrain exencephaly

renal/urinary system
• cystic structural changes involving primarily the tubules and occasionally the glomeruli are noted at 6 months of age or later
• occasional at 6 months of age or later

hematopoietic system
• increased globulin levels

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4 DOID:0110126 OMIM:615982

involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bbs4Gt1Nk mutation (1 available); any Bbs4 mutation (19 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 40-50% embryonic lethality is seen at E10.5

• olfactory cilia lack stable microtubules and the ciliary layer is thinner compared to wild-type

• olfactory cilia lack stable microtubules and the ciliary layer is thinner compared to wild-type
• the apical dendrites are distorted rather than projecting straight to the surface as in wild-type mice
• all homozygotes are runts at birth, however no mutants display polydactyly, situs inversus, or renal or liver abnormalities unlike humans with BBS mutations
• by 10 weeks of age 10% of homozygotes are obese

• olfactory cilia lack stable microtubules and the ciliary layer is thinner compared to wild-type
• the apical dendrites are distorted rather than projecting straight to the surface as in wild-type mice
• olfactory epithelium shows little or no response to a wide variety of odorants

• 30% of homozygotes develop retinal degeneration

nervous system
• the apical dendrites are distorted rather than projecting straight to the surface as in wild-type mice

respiratory system
• olfactory cilia lack stable microtubules and the ciliary layer is thinner compared to wild-type
• the apical dendrites are distorted rather than projecting straight to the surface as in wild-type mice

• olfactory cilia lack stable microtubules and the ciliary layer is thinner compared to wild-type
• the apical dendrites are distorted rather than projecting straight to the surface as in wild-type mice

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4 DOID:0110126 OMIM:615982
obesity DOID:9970 OMIM:601665

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory