reproductive system
• the proportion of motile sperm as well as the absolute motility of sperm is reduced
• the seminiferous tubules are dilated as a result of fluid accumulation
• enlarged testes are seen by 2 months of age as a result of fluid accumulation
• reduced spermatogenesis is seen as a result of reduced differentiation in the germ layer epithelia however all stages of spermatogenesis are present
• at 12 weeks of age, the number of cauda spermatozoa is drastically reduced
• most of the sperm present show frequent morphological abnormalities
• many sperm show a sharp bend in the flagellum
• an increased number of acephalic spermatozoa is observed
• the ductules are dilated and often obstructed with accumulated spermatozoa
• clear-cell activity is increased in the cauda region
• however, the caput epididymis, including the most proximal region ("initial segment") appears morphologically normal
• the epididymis is reduced in size
• the epididymis is reduced in weight
• a progressive and severe reduction in male fertility is seen resulting in almost complete infertility by 15 weeks of age
endocrine/exocrine glands
• the seminiferous tubules are dilated as a result of fluid accumulation
• enlarged testes are seen by 2 months of age as a result of fluid accumulation
• dysregulation of luminal fluid re-absorption within the efferent ductules, resulting in fluid accumulation in the testis and a subsequent stasis of spermatozoa within the efferent ducts
• at 12 weeks of age, the number of cauda spermatozoa is drastically reduced
• most of the sperm present show frequent morphological abnormalities
• many sperm show a sharp bend in the flagellum
• an increased number of acephalic spermatozoa is observed
• the proportion of motile sperm as well as the absolute motility of sperm is reduced