• 1/6 mice die after 30 mg/kg kainic acid treatment compared to 5/6 wild-type mice
• transgenic mice show no preference for a previously cued food odor 24 hours after exposure, whereas wild-type show significant preference for cued food odor
• mice show significant impairment compared to controls, failing to display selective search during the probe trial when the platform is removed in the Morris water maze; controls show greater preference for the target quadrant at 8 and 16 months
• mutants have normal performance in the visible and hidden platform trials, but show inability to remember navigational cues needed to solve spatial navigation problem
• after 60 minutes of perforant path stimulation, only brief seizure activity is seen in transgenic mice compared to wild-type controls; last seizure occurs 25 minutes after PPS
• 30 mg/kg kainic acid treatment induces a few stage 5 seizures, resulting in death of 1/6 animals, but wild-type animals exhibit severe seizures, with death occurring in 5/6 animals within 30 minutes
• pentylene tetrazol (PTZ) treatment results in less severe seizures than those induced by kainic acid
• galanin agonist treatment reduces the latency and severity of PTZ-induced seizures
nervous system
• after 60 minutes of perforant path stimulation, only brief seizure activity is seen in transgenic mice compared to wild-type controls; last seizure occurs 25 minutes after PPS
• 30 mg/kg kainic acid treatment induces a few stage 5 seizures, resulting in death of 1/6 animals, but wild-type animals exhibit severe seizures, with death occurring in 5/6 animals within 30 minutes
• pentylene tetrazol (PTZ) treatment results in less severe seizures than those induced by kainic acid
• galanin agonist treatment reduces the latency and severity of PTZ-induced seizures
• after kainic acid treatment, the surviving transgenic mice display mild injury to the hippocampus, compared to the wild-type survivor which displayed moderate injury in the CA1, CA3, and hilus
• disappearance of detectable cholinergic neurons is observed
• mutants show faster LTP decay compared to wild-type
• 1/6 mice die after 30 mg/kg kainic acid treatment compared to 5/6 wild-type mice