immune system
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• normal T- and B-cell development and immunoglobulin class switch recombination
• increased susceptibility to bacterial (Staphylococcus aureus) infections in male homozygous mice; 80% of these animals exhibiting the condition between 10 and 24 months of age
• two sites of infection were noted, namely, the preputial gland and the mandibular gland, with the majority of infections in the male occurring at the former site
• lower level of infections was observed in females, and only in the mandibular gland
• hypersensitive to taxol; by 64 days, all of the homozygous mice had died compared to approximately 50% of the wild-type mice
• however, mice irradiated with 7.5 Gy exhibit no statistically significant difference in survival between the two genotypes was observed
• decreased survival compared to wild- type littermates over a period of 24 months; males showed a reduction in survival compared to females
• homozygous females were more prone to tumorigenesis than homozygous males
• primarily hematologic tumors, with fewer occurrences of adenomas and sarcomas; the most common tumors arising spontaneously in these animals were lymphomas
• both females (66.66%) and males (28.57%) developed a similar spectrum of tumor types, with the first noted occurrence of tumors in the males at 15 months of age, whereas tumors first appear in the females at around 11 months of age
• one mouse had malignant teratoma (ovary)
• 1 of 24 animals developed ovarian cyst adenoma
• six mice (9.8%) had adenoma (lung and hardarian gland)
• six mice (9.8%) had cyst adenoma (ovary, uterus, and papillary hardarian gland)
• two of 24 mice with lymphoma also developed lung adenoma
• out of 61 homozygous mice, 24 (39.3%) had lymphoma, with the highest occurrences in the mandibular lymph node, mesenteric lymph node, spleen, liver, or lung or systemically and lesser occurrences in adrenal gland, thymus, kidney, ovaries, mesoderm, bone marrow, or pancreas
• two mice (3.3%) had histiocytic sarcoma
• three mice (5.0%) had sarcoma (liver)
• accelerated tumorigenesis in both homozygous females and in homozygous males
• MEFs derived from homozygous mice exhibited a profound proliferation defect at all passages examined
• however, upon spontaneous immortalization, both mutant and wild-type MEFs grew at approximately equal rates
• mutant MEFs exhibit no hypersensitivity to irradiaion and a small hypersensitivity to mitomycin C (MMC)
• hypersensitive to taxol; by 64 days, all of the homozygous mice had died compared to approximately 50% of the wild-type mice
• however, mice irradiated with 7.5 Gy exhibit no statistically significant difference in survival between the two genotypes was observed
reproductive system
• one mouse had malignant teratoma (ovary)
endocrine/exocrine glands
• one mouse had malignant teratoma (ovary)
respiratory system
• two of 24 mice with lymphoma also developed lung adenoma