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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1.1, Robert H Costa
Summary 3 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Foxm1tm1.1Rhc/Foxm1tm1.1Rhc B6.129X1-Foxm1tm1.1Rhc MGI:3710340
Foxm1tm1.1Rhc/Foxm1tm1.1Rhc involves: 129X1/SvJ MGI:3522669
Foxm1tm1.1Rhc/Foxm1tm1.1Rhc involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 MGI:3663791

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Foxm1tm1.1Rhc mutation (0 available); any Foxm1 mutation (28 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
cardiovascular system
• E13.5-18.5 hearts exhibit thinning of the ventricular myocardium
• severe accumulation of polyploid cardiomyocytes is seen in E13.5-18.5 heart tissues, including ventricular myocardium, interventricular septum, atrium, and heart trabeculae
• increase in the size of cardiomyocyte nuclei is noted at E15.5 and E18.5
• reduced number of cardiomyocytes at E13.5 and E18.5
• enlarged cardiomyocytes are seen in the atrium and ventricle as early as E9.5
• 25% reduction in heart size at E15.5 but not at E13.5
• 1.3-fold increase in thickness of heart valve leaflets at E13.5
• thickening of atrioventricular (A/V) valves (mitral valve leaflets) at E13.5
• hearts show a 43% reduction in the thickness of the left ventricle at E13.5 and a 57% reduction at E15.5
• embryos display dilated heart ventricles
• developing cardiomyocytes show diminished DNA replication and mitosis at E15.5

• developing cardiomyocytes show diminished DNA replication and mitosis at E15.5

• E13.5-18.5 hearts exhibit thinning of the ventricular myocardium
• developing cardiomyocytes show diminished DNA replication and mitosis at E15.5

involves: 129X1/SvJ
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Foxm1tm1.1Rhc mutation (0 available); any Foxm1 mutation (28 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• 75% were dead by E17.5 and all were dead by E18.5

cardiovascular system
• disruption in the organization of liver sinusoids
• reduction in the number of large hepatic veins
• enlarged polyploid embryonic cardiomyocytes were observed
• at E17.5 embryos were transparent with hemorrhagic lesions

• decrease in BrdU incorporation without increase in apoptosis suggesting a block in mitosis; a decrease in expression of proteins required for cell cycle progression and cytokinesis was observed

• at E15.5 embryos exhibited a gelatin-like consistency; at E17.5 embryos exhibited edema

liver/biliary system
• disruption in the organization of liver sinusoids
• abnormal development of the intrahepatic bile ducts
• presence of abnormal hepatoblast cells with enlarged polyploid nuclei
• decrease in BrdU incorporation without increase in apoptosis suggesting a block in mitosis; a decrease in expression of proteins required for cell cycle progression and cytokinesis was observed
• reduced numbers of hepatoblasts; 75% reduction in the number of hepatoblasts compared to controls, but no decrease in overall size of liver suggesting a hypertrophy of remaining hepatoblasts
• disruption in the organization of hepatic cords

• enlarged polyploid embryonic cardiomyocytes were observed

endocrine/exocrine glands
• abnormal development of the intrahepatic bile ducts

involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Foxm1tm1.1Rhc mutation (0 available); any Foxm1 mutation (28 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Foxm1tm1.1Rhc/Foxm1tm1.1Rhc embryonic lungs exhibit pulmonary artery hypertrophy

cardiovascular system
• at E18.5, homozygotes exhibit severe hypertrophy of pulmonary arteries, associated with a 5-fold increase in arterial muscularity
• at E18.5, homozygotes display severe hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle cells of the aorta
• at E18.5, homozygotes display severe hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle cells of the carotid artery
• at E17.5, homozygotes show a significant reduction in the number of peripheral pulmonary capillaries
• at E15.5 and E17.5, homozygotes show a significant reduction in the number of large pulmonary vessels (arteries and veins with diameter = 25 um) and peripheral pulmonary capillaries, with no evidence of increased apoptosis
• at E18.5, homozygotes display severe hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle cells of the pulmonary arteries, with abnormally large DAPI-stained nuclei
• many extrapulmonary arteries (e.g. the carotid artery and aorta) display severe hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells
• however, airway smooth muscle cells of E18.5 mutant pulmonary bronchi exhibit normal morphology

respiratory system
• at E15.5 and E17.5, homozygotes show a significant reduction in the number of large pulmonary vessels (arteries and veins with diameter = 25 um) and peripheral pulmonary capillaries, with no evidence of increased apoptosis
• homozygotes display defective lung development associated with aberrant expression of pulmonary genes involved in extracellular matrix remodeling, mesenchyme proliferation, and vasculogenesis
• however, mutant lung size, lobular architecture, and sacculation appear unaffected
• at E15.5, homozygotes display reduced proliferation of mesenchymal cells around the distal lung epithelium

• at E18.5, homozygotes display severe hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle cells of the pulmonary arteries, with abnormally large DAPI-stained nuclei
• many extrapulmonary arteries (e.g. the carotid artery and aorta) display severe hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells
• however, airway smooth muscle cells of E18.5 mutant pulmonary bronchi exhibit normal morphology

• at E15.5, homozygotes display reduced proliferation of mesenchymal cells around the distal lung epithelium

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory