• food intake was increased by 10% in 24 week old males
• males had decreased spontaneous locomotor activity
• by 10 weeks of age, males but not females showed a significant increase in body weight that became evident throughout adulthood and was even more pronounced by 52 weeks of age
• males fed a high-fat diet showed a significant increase in body weight at an earlier age than controls
• pale and enlarged liver in 52 week old males
• males fed a high-fat diet showed a significant increase in body weight at an earlier age than controls
• normal glucose levels at 24 weeks of age, however by 52 weeks of age, males were hyperglycemic
• slight increase in insulin levels at 24 weeks of age and became hyperinsulinemic at 52 weeks of age
• higher leptin levels at 24 weeks of age and became significantly hyperleptinemic at 52 weeks of age
• males had decreased resting oxygen consumption and decreased carbon dioxide production
• higher total body lipid mass at 24 and 52 weeks of age than wild-type
liver/biliary system
• pale and enlarged liver in 52 week old males
• 52 week old males exhibited fatty liver