• without doxycycline treatment 7 out of 10 homozygous females had difficult labors with both the mothers and pups failing to survive
• with doxycycline treatment 2 -10 days before labor, females and pups survive
reproductive system
• without doxycycline treatment 7 out of 10 homozygous females had difficult labors with both the mothers and pups failing to survive
• with doxycycline treatment 2 -10 days before labor females and pups survive
respiratory system
• without doxycycline treatment homozygotes are unable to sustain a hypoxia-induced increase in breathing frequency
• after doxycycline treatment for 6 days response to hypoxia is normal
• without doxycycline treatment 3 out of 7 homozygotes had apneic episodes when exposed to hypoxic conditions