• two fewer than in wild-type mice
• two fewer than in wild-type mice
• mice lack distinct sternebrae unlike in wild-type mice
• the first rib does not always attach to the sternum unlike in wild-type mice
• rib attachment to the sternum continues past T7 to T13 and the transformed 'T14'
• posterior rib growth is abnormal with 4 vertebrae posterior to T13 forming ribs
rib fusion
• distal fusion of anterior-most ribs
• shifted posteriorly with displacement of pelvic attachment
• mice exhibit anterior homeotic transformations through the posterior thoracic skeleton and into the lumbar region
• the axial skeleton posterior to the transformations are shifted caudally by two vertebral segments
• T8 through L2 exhibit a T7-like phenotype
• T8 through L2 exhibit a T7-like phenotype
• L5 has an L3-like phenotype
• the sternum is ossified and mispatterened along its entire anterior posterior length