nervous system
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• in mutant mice, basal synaptic transmission and short-term synaptic plasticity, measured by recording fEPSPs and PPF, is similar to controls
• conventional theta burst stimulation (TBS) induces robust and stable LTP in Schaffer collateral CA1 synapses, similar to controls
• in mutant mice, nicotine does not induce nor promote the spread of excitatory neural activity from the Schaffer collateral pathway as measured by fEPSPs and optical fluorescence
• in mutant mice, nicotine does not promote the spread of inhibitory neural activity from the temporoammonic pathway as measured by fEPSPs and optical fluorescence
• in Schaffer collateral CA1 synapses, nicotine induced facilitation of theta-burst stimulated LTP induction is supressed
• in temporoammonic CA1 synapses, nicotine supression of LTP induction is eliminated
• normal stereotypical behavior in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• normal rearing behavior in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• normal time spent in center and perimeter in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• normal behavior in open field test when treated with either saline or nicotine
• normal shock reactivity on test day 2 after preexposure on day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• no enhanced freezing behavior on test day 2 after preexposure on day 1 when treated with nicotine or on day 3 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• normal (enhanced) freezing behavior on test day 2 after preexposure on day 1 when treated with saline
• increased mid-line crossing in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with nicotine or saline
• increased locomotor activity in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• normal mid-line crossing in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with saline
• in mutant mice, nicotine fails to facilitate LTP in the Schaffer collateral pathway and fails to supress LTP induction in the temporoammonic pathway
• nicotine fails to induce and promote the spread of excitatory activity in the Schaffer collateral pathway and fails to supress inhibitory activity in the temporoammonic pathway
• mice born at expected Mendelian and sex ratios
• normal postnatal weight gain
• no obvious morphological changes