reproductive system
• testis morphology appears normal at P7, but by P20 mutants show a reduction in the testis interstitium
• reduction in the numbers of vascular smooth muscle cells in the testis
• by p20, mutants exhibit gaps in the spermatocyte layers of the testis cords
• reduction in Leydig cells before and during early adolescence
small testis
• reduction in testis size is observed by P42
• complete loss of spermatogenesis by 10 weeks of age
• loss of spermatocytes from the testis cords by P42
endocrine/exocrine glands
• testis morphology appears normal at P7, but by P20 mutants show a reduction in the testis interstitium
• reduction in the numbers of vascular smooth muscle cells in the testis
• by p20, mutants exhibit gaps in the spermatocyte layers of the testis cords
• reduction in Leydig cells before and during early adolescence
small testis
• reduction in testis size is observed by P42
cardiovascular system
• reduction in numbers of vascular smooth muscle cells in the testis
• reduction in numbers of vascular smooth muscle cells in the testis
• loss of spermatocytes from the testis cords by P42