• homozygous mutants die between 50 to 250 days after birth, however this survival curve is no different from homozygous null Trp53 mice
• mean survival of male mice is 164.5 days
• only 11% of females are born, indicating a severe reduction in female survival
• 70% of mice develop lymphomas
• 29% of mice develop sarcomas
• DNA synthesis rates for mouse fibroblast cells continue to synthesize DNA after 10 days in culture whereas MEFs from a Trp53tm1Tyj homozygote are quiescent at day 6
• at day 4 of culture, mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF)cells reach a higher saturation concentration than do MEFs from a Trp53tm1Tyj homozygote
• DNA synthesis rates for mouse fibroblast cells continue to synthesize DNA after 10 days in culture whereas MEFs from a Trp53tm1Tyj homozygote are quiescent at day 6