• homozygotes begin to die around 15 days of age from renal failure with only 15% surviving to 60 days of age
renal/urinary system
• small cysts originating from the proximal tubules are present in the cortex at 3 weeks of age and increase in size with age but are not present in the medulla nor at birth
• cyst epithelia have vacuoles in the cytoplasm
• kidneys are large and pale with a rough texture and occupy the entire abdominal cavity at 30 days of age
• at birth some proximal tubules are swollen due to the presence of large vacuoles, by 1 week of age swollen tubules occupy the entire cortex, and by 3 weeks these tubules develop into cysts
• vacuoles appear to develop from the endoplasmic reticulum
• proximal tubule cells have a defect in endosomal pH regulation but have normal [Cl-] homeostasis
pale kidney
• progressive elevation of blood urea nitrogen begins around 10 days of age
• small cysts originating from the proximal tubules are present in the cortex at 3 weeks of age and increase in size with age but are not present in the medulla nor at birth
• cyst epithelia have vacuoles in the cytoplasm
• around 2 weeks of age homozygotes show reduced growth
• kidneys are large and pale with a rough texture and occupy the entire abdominal cavity at 30 days of age