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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Wen-Chao Song
Summary 2 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Sult1e1tm1Song/Sult1e1tm1Song B6.129S6-Sult1e1tm1Song MGI:3529677
Sult1e1tm1Song/Sult1e1tm1Song involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 MGI:3529670

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Sult1e1tm1Song mutation (0 available); any Sult1e1 mutation (20 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
hematopoietic system
• pregnant homozygous null females showed increased platelet sensitivity to agonist-induced activation than wild-type

• pregnant homozygous null females showed increased platelet sensitivity to agonist-induced activation than wild-type
• serum estradiol levels in pregnant homozygous null females from 12.5 dpc to 17.5 dpc were significantly elevated
• homozygous null females exhibited placental thrombosis and degeneration as evidenced by darker and enlarged placentas, hemorrhages and extensive tissue necrosis that was independent of embryo genotype
• homozygous null females showed an increase in the free estradiol levels in the amniotic fluids of fetuses at 14.5, 16.5, and 17.5 dpc

reproductive system
• homozygous null females produced fewer and smaller litters (when mated to either null or wild-type males) and had significantly fewer healthy fetuses than wild-type between 12.5 dpc and 17.5 dpc (but not at 11.5 dpc), and this reduction was accompanied by the presence of dead or reabsorbed fetuses, indicating spontaneous fetal loss
• homozygous null females exhibited placental thrombosis and degeneration as evidenced by darker and enlarged placentas, hemorrhages and extensive tissue necrosis that was independent of embryo genotype
• treatment of pregnant homozygous null mice with either an anticoagulant or antiestrogen prevented fetal loss
• litter sizes in crosses between homozygous null mice were on average 50% smaller than wild-type

involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Sult1e1tm1Song mutation (0 available); any Sult1e1 mutation (20 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
endocrine/exocrine glands
• the seminal vesicle/coagulating gland had a significantly increased wet weight because of tissue swelling
• presence of numerous giant yellow cells that contained multiple dark stained nuclei in the hyperplastic lesions found in the peripheral space as well as in Leydig cell clusters located at inner tubular junctions of the testis
• observed a thickening of the capsule of the testis
• seminiferous tubules were filled with vacuoles and had disrupted spermatogenic epithelium in 12 month or older mutant mice
• cytoplasm of Leydig cells contained vacuoles and stained less uniformly with eosin than controls
• Leydig cell hypertrophy was commonly observed within inner tubular junctions
• presence of masses of hypertrophic Leydig cells with volumes 2-3 times larger than normal in 12 month or older mutant testes but not in 2 month old mice
• hyperplasia occurred more frequently in the peripheral space under the testicular capsule
• significant reduction in the relative weight of the testis of 18- to 22- month old but not 3-month old mutants

reproductive system
• total and forward motility of caudal sperm was reduced by 60% in 18-month old mutants and 80% in 22-month old mutants but not in 3-month old males
• the seminal vesicle/coagulating gland had a significantly increased wet weight because of tissue swelling
• presence of numerous giant yellow cells that contained multiple dark stained nuclei in the hyperplastic lesions found in the peripheral space as well as in Leydig cell clusters located at inner tubular junctions of the testis
• observed a thickening of the capsule of the testis
• seminiferous tubules were filled with vacuoles and had disrupted spermatogenic epithelium in 12 month or older mutant mice
• cytoplasm of Leydig cells contained vacuoles and stained less uniformly with eosin than controls
• Leydig cell hypertrophy was commonly observed within inner tubular junctions
• presence of masses of hypertrophic Leydig cells with volumes 2-3 times larger than normal in 12 month or older mutant testes but not in 2 month old mice
• hyperplasia occurred more frequently in the peripheral space under the testicular capsule
• significant reduction in the relative weight of the testis of 18- to 22- month old but not 3-month old mutants
• significant reduction in the relative weight of the epididymis of 18- to 22-month old but not 3-month old mutants
• overall fertility of the knockout pairs was reduced, with subsequent cross-breedings indicating an impairment in female reproductive function
• homozygous null 17- to 18-month old males produced smaller litters when mated with wild-type females

• total and forward motility of caudal sperm was reduced by 60% in 18-month old mutants and 80% in 22-month old mutants but not in 3-month old males

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory