hematopoietic system
• pregnant homozygous null females showed increased platelet sensitivity to agonist-induced activation than wild-type
• pregnant homozygous null females showed increased platelet sensitivity to agonist-induced activation than wild-type
• serum estradiol levels in pregnant homozygous null females from 12.5 dpc to 17.5 dpc were significantly elevated
• homozygous null females exhibited placental thrombosis and degeneration as evidenced by darker and enlarged placentas, hemorrhages and extensive tissue necrosis that was independent of embryo genotype
• homozygous null females showed an increase in the free estradiol levels in the amniotic fluids of fetuses at 14.5, 16.5, and 17.5 dpc
reproductive system
• homozygous null females produced fewer and smaller litters (when mated to either null or wild-type males) and had significantly fewer healthy fetuses than wild-type between 12.5 dpc and 17.5 dpc (but not at 11.5 dpc), and this reduction was accompanied by the presence of dead or reabsorbed fetuses, indicating spontaneous fetal loss
• homozygous null females exhibited placental thrombosis and degeneration as evidenced by darker and enlarged placentas, hemorrhages and extensive tissue necrosis that was independent of embryo genotype
• treatment of pregnant homozygous null mice with either an anticoagulant or antiestrogen prevented fetal loss
• litter sizes in crosses between homozygous null mice were on average 50% smaller than wild-type