• 2-3 month-old mice have shorter time to right than wild-type
• with age, righting time increases significantly compared to young transgenic mice; controls do not show significant differences with age
• with age (at 7-9 and 16-18 months), mice have undergone a progressive decline in locomotor activity
• 2-3 month-old mice are more active relative to wild-type
nervous system
• neurons in median forebrain bundle are more beaded and dilated in appearance compared to controls in young (2-3 months) mice
• terminals of neurons in the nucleus accumbens are abnormal with small caliber processes and dilated or enlarged terminals
• dopamine levels are lower in transgenic brains than in control brains; in aged mice, levels are signicantly lower than in 2-3 month-old transgenic mice
• similar results are seen for dopamine metabolites like DOPAC and homovanillic acid