• body weight of 4-6 month old mice is 10% lower compared to controls
• in muscle fibers the T-tubules often change direction forming calcium release units (CRUs) that are more variably orientated
• the density of calcium release channels is almost double that of wild-type mice
• the mean junctional SR width in these mice is decreased by more than half in both the EDL and soleus muscles
• there is a proliferation of SR vesicles in the muscle fibers leading to no net change in total SR volume
• muscle fibers of EDL muscle have about twice the number of mitochondria compared to controls
• the mean weight and muscle/body weight ratios of predominately fast-twitch muscle is significantly lower than wild-type mice of the same age and sex
• mean EDL muscle mass is 7.5 mg compared to 9.3 mg in wild-type mice
• however, there is no differences in weight of the soleus muscle
• EDL muscle is fatigue resistant with 100% higher force generated after two minutes of continuous stimulation than in wild-type controls
• twitch/tetanus ratio is significantly higher in EDL muscles than in controls
• this change is reflected in a significant prolongation of both time to peak tension and time to half relaxation in EDL muscle
• there is a strong reduction in Ca2+ transient amplitudes induced by a single electrical stimulation in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle fibers
• the amount of releasable calcium in fast twitch muscle fibers at maximal doses of caffeine is also significantly reduced in knockout mice
• there is a increase in the time to half-relaxation in EDL muscle