• mice are fragile and usually die by or before 5 weeks of age
• mice intermittently lean to the side, fall over, but are able to regain their walking position
abnormal gait
• impaired hind limb movements
• they show 'hot-foot' like behavior of one or both limbs
• animals are small
• mice exhibit a non-agouti grey coat color that appears to result from a non-agouti grey allele that is known to exist in heterozygotes for the dilute-lethal allele of Myo5a, and becomes apparent in the presence of the agouti dilute allele, carried by the female NMF244
• mice exhibit a non-agouti grey coat color that appears to result from a non-agouti grey allele that is known to exist in heterozygotes for the dilute-lethal allele of Myo5a, and becomes apparent in the presence of the agouti dilute allele, carried by the female NMF244