• all homozygous embryos die between E8.5 and E9.5
• tetraploid rescued homozygous embryos can survive and develop normally to E10.5
• Background Sensitivity: embryonic death is earlier compared to embryos on a background that includes BALB/c
• at E8.5 embryos consist of a sac of ectoderm that is frequently still proliferating with folding of the excess epithelium
• the ectoderm displays anterior neuroectodermal characteristics and expression of genes normally expressed in the posterior ectoderm is missing
• embryo size is severely reduced at E8.5
• at E7.5 mesoderm has failed to form and the embryos still resemble egg cylinders
• at E8.5 about half of the embryos still lack mesoderm
• at E8.5 about half of the embryos contain a mass of mesenchymal cells at the proximal end of the embryo
• the trophoblast stem cells are not maintained
• the chorion fails to form
• embryos implant normally but the extraembryonic ectoderm fails to form
• the lack of extraembryonic ectoderm can be seen at the pregastrula stage
• embryo size is severely reduced at E8.5