immune system
hematopoietic system
• females have difficulty nursing owing to a propensity for skin lesions
dermal cyst
• develop from keratinocyte remnants that surrounded the dermal papilla
• hair loss beginning at ventrum at approximately 2.5 weeks of age and proceeding in a diffuse manner across the body
• at 6 months of age mice display overgrown nails that curve under the foot pad (onychogryposis)
• at 5 weeks of age as the follicle enters catagen, a thin serpentine-shaped band of cells, surrounded by a glassy membrane, extend from the abnormal ectatic infundibulum to the dilated deep dermal cyst
• at 14 days hair infundibula are mildly ectatic and filled with laminated cornified cells
• at 18 days dilation of the infundibulum is increased compared to control mice at 14 days of age
• vibrissae become sparse with age
• at 14 days stratum granulosum extends from the epidermis to the entrance of the sebaceous gland duct
• mild at 14 days of age
• at 14 days with prominent large basophilic keratohyalin granules
• skin wrinkling appears before the majority of hair is lost, and it progresses with age
endocrine/exocrine glands
dermal cyst
• develop from keratinocyte remnants that surrounded the dermal papilla
• at 6 months of age mice display overgrown nails that curve under the foot pad (onychogryposis)