• die within the first year of life
cardiovascular system
• cardiomyocyte length is increased and they exhibit enlarged nuclei with a significantly higher rate of polyploidy at 3 months of age
• dilation of tubular membrane system in myocytes with normal myofibrils and mitochondria
• number of intercalated disks per unit area of ventricular muscle is reduced
• number of nuclei per unit area of ventricular muscle is reduced
• exhibit higher heart-to-body weight ratios than wildtype at 3 months of age
• hearts are enlarged, however observe no differences in cardiomyocyte cell number, proliferation or apoptosis
• dilation evident by 3 months of age but is not seen in neonates
• evident by 3 months of age
• dilation evident by 3 months of age but is not seen in neonates
• retrograde perfusion of the left ventricle in isolated hearts shows a reduction of the maximal left ventricular developed pressure, demonstrating depressed myocardial contractility
• programmed intracardiac stimulation shows increased susceptibility to ventricular tachycardia
• ECG at 2-3 months of age shows widened QRS complex and Q-Tc intervals, indicating delayed conduction
• ECG at 2-3 months of age shows widened QRS complex
• 12.5% prolongation in Q-Tc intervals
• cardiomyocyte length is increased and they exhibit enlarged nuclei with a significantly higher rate of polyploidy at 3 months of age
• dilation of tubular membrane system in myocytes with normal myofibrils and mitochondria
• number of intercalated disks per unit area of ventricular muscle is reduced
• number of nuclei per unit area of ventricular muscle is reduced
• retrograde perfusion of the left ventricle in isolated hearts shows a reduction of the maximal left ventricular developed pressure, demonstrating depressed myocardial contractility
• exhibit higher heart-to-body weight ratios than wildtype at 3 months of age
• hearts are enlarged, however observe no differences in cardiomyocyte cell number, proliferation or apoptosis