• die between E11.5 and E12.5
hematopoietic system
• decrease in the number of embryonic erythroblasts at the interface of maternal and fetal blood
• great reduction in the number of hematopoietic precursors in the blood islands of yolk sacs
• 30-40% of blood cell precursors isolated from yolk sacs contain large multinucleated cells with up to four nuclei and numerous centrosomes
• yolk sac appears devoid of blood supply
• increased apoptosis in embryos, especially in neural tissue, however no difference in the number of proliferating cells
• embryos are consistently smaller in size
• placental structures are smaller but normally developed
• number of blood islands is reduced
• decrease in the number of embryonic erythroblasts at the interface of maternal and fetal blood
• great reduction in the number of hematopoietic precursors in the blood islands of yolk sacs
• 30-40% of blood cell precursors isolated from yolk sacs contain large multinucleated cells with up to four nuclei and numerous centrosomes
• embryos are consistently smaller in size
• MEFs undergo premature senescence and growth arrest with an accumulation of cells with a 4N DNA content and polyploidy, consistent with a tetraploid arrest in G1 phase
• up to 30% of interphase MEFs contain multiple centrosomes (3 or more) and multi-polar spindles
• increased apoptosis in embryos, especially in neural tissue, however no difference in the number of proliferating cells
• early passage MEFs (P2-P6) have decreased cell proliferation rates
liver/biliary system
absent liver
• E12.5 embryos lack a fetal liver structure
nervous system
• subdivision between metencephalon and mesencephalon is shifted anteriorly
• absent forebrain at E10.5
cardiovascular system
• yolk sac appears devoid of blood supply