• reference memory is impaired; mice take longer to show improvement in performance in Y-maze test and additional training does not improve success rate compared to controls
• working memory is impaired; T-maze performance is impaired compared to controls
nervous system
• almost no mitotic cells and few postmitotic cells are detected in subgranular zone (SGZ)
• a significant reduction in parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the dentate gyrus is observed in mutants
• loss of pyramidal hippocampal neurons in CA3 is detected with no loss apparent in Gria2tm2Rsp/+ transgenic mice
• EPSCs are significantly smaller in mutants than in controls
• evoked field EPSPs are severely reduced, reaching only ~37% of control values
• stimulation strength needed to elicit presynaptic fiber volleys of given amplitudes are significantly increased vs controls
• synaptic excitability in increased compared to controls; threshold for generating population spike is reduced by 71%
• threshold for generating population spikes are reached in almost all experiments in controls while threshold is reached less than half of experiments for mutants
• in conditional mice, quantification of inward rectifying currents in CA1 neurons at P42 shows a 20-fold increase vs control neurons
• once a population spike is elicited in the first response, appearance of multiple spikes is always seen in second response
• almost no mitotic cells and few postmitotic cells are detected in subgranular zone (SGZ)