• about 60% die during the first 2 weeks after birth or during the first week after weaning, at about 3-4 weeks of age
• a significant decrease in weight is detected starting at age 7-9 days for males and at age 13-15 for females
• at day 49-51 of age, females and males weight about 15% and 30%, respectively, less than controls
• body length at 2-3 months of age is 84.1% of controls
• growth retardation occurs after birth
• significant increase in weight of kidneys in relation to body weight
• skull is longer and wider
• long bones are shorter than those of controls, but in relation to body length, they are longer
• 3 of 7 homozygotes show an abnormal curvature of the axial skeleton at the thoracic level
nervous system
• although the brain is reduced compared to controls, the reduction in brain weight is not proportional to the reduction in body weight and constitutes 2.27% of the total body weight compared with 1.53% for controls
renal/urinary system
• significant increase in weight of kidneys in relation to body weight
endocrine/exocrine glands
• significant increase in weight of testes in relation to body weight
reproductive system
• significant increase in weight of testes in relation to body weight
• only 1 of 10 females produced offspring when mated to wild-type males
• only 2 of 18 males produced offspring when mated to wild-type females
• skull is longer and wider