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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Rulang Jiang
Summary 3 genotypes
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Osr1tm1Jian/Osr1tm1Jian either: (involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6J) or (involves: 129S1/Sv * ICR) MGI:3615463
Osr1tm1Jian/Osr1tm1Jian involves: 129S1/Sv MGI:5294637
mixed MGI:5763640

either: (involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6J) or (involves: 129S1/Sv * ICR)
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Osr1tm1Jian mutation (1 available); any Osr1 mutation (18 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• most mutants embryos die between 11.5 and 12.5

• at E12, yolk sac lacks blood circulation
• a hypoplastic gonadal ridge is noted at E11.5
• at E11.5, fewer mesonephric tubules are observed and the gonadal ridge is retarded
• at E11.5, the Wolffian duct is often malformed or absent in the posterior trunk region
• significantly fewer mesonephric vesicles are noted at E10.5
• Wolffian duct development is already disrupted at E9.5
• at E10.5, disrupted or posteriorly truncated Wolffian ducts are observed
• the Wolffian duct defect is always more severe on the left side than on the right side such that the left duct is often truncated posteriorly

• embryos at late gestation show generalized edema

cardiovascular system
• at E12, yolk sac lacks blood circulation
• at E11.5, embryos have hypoplastic venous valves
• at E15.5, atrioventricular junction is malformed
• at E15.5, mesothelium fails to form complete parietal pericardium
• septum primum does not form
• at E15.5, embryos lack a primary atrial septum
• at E11.5, the atria were severely dilated
• later embryos have dilated atria
• at E15.5, ventricular septum is malformed
• at E12, embryos have pooled blood in the liver and major veins
• at E11.5, blood backflow from the heart into the inflow tract is observed

renal/urinary system
• at E10.5, massive cell death is noted in the nephrogenic mesenchyme
• at E10.5 to E11.5, mutant embryos fail to initiate metanephric kidney formation
• at E10.5 to E11.5, no signs of metanephric mesenchyme condensation is observed
• at E10.5, massive cell death is noted in the nephrogenic mesenchyme
• at E15.5, all mutant embryos lack metanephric kidneys
• as a result, internal organs (e.g. pancreas and spleen) are displaced but remain morphologically normal
• at E10.5 to E11.5, ureteric bud formation is absent

endocrine/exocrine glands
• at E15.5-E17.5, all surviving mutants lack gonads

reproductive system
• at E15.5-E17.5, all surviving mutants lack gonads

respiratory system
• at E15.5, lung tissue is observed as a compressed mass

• at E10.5, massive cell death is noted in the nephrogenic mesenchyme

involves: 129S1/Sv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Osr1tm1Jian mutation (1 available); any Osr1 mutation (18 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• at E10.5, increased levels of apoptosis are detected in the metanephric mesenchyme relative to heterozygous controls
• however, the levels of apoptosis in metanephric mesenchyme precursor cells are similarly low in E9.5 mutant and control embryos, indicating that apoptosis occurs after the initial metanephric mesenchyme gene expression defects
• at E10.5, the number and size of mesonephric tubules is significantly smaller than in control embryos
• only anterior mesonephric tubules form
• a decreased diameter of the nephric duct is already seen at E8.5
• at E9.5, the nephric duct is thinner and often interrupted
• at E10.5, the nephric duct fails to migrate toward the cloaca and metanephric mesenchyme, unlike in wild-type embryos
• at E11.5, a nephric duct is often present (on right side but not left), but smaller than normal
• the region between the aorta and nephric duct is significantly reduced

renal/urinary system
• at E9.5 (but not at E8.5), significantly increased levels of apoptosis are detected in the mesenchyme surrounding anterior mesonephric tubules relative to control embryos
• no metanephric mesenchyme condensation is observed at E11.5, unlike in wild-type controls
• at E10.5, increased levels of apoptosis are detected in the metanephric mesenchyme relative to heterozygous controls
• however, the levels of apoptosis in metanephric mesenchyme precursor cells are similarly low in E9.5 mutant and control embryos, indicating that apoptosis occurs after the initial metanephric mesenchyme gene expression defects
• at E11.5, the metanephric mesenchyme fails to form
• at E10.5, several gene products required for metanephric kidney formation are not expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme region
• at E11.5, ureteric bud formation is completely absent

• at E10.5, increased levels of apoptosis are detected in the metanephric mesenchyme relative to heterozygous controls
• however, the levels of apoptosis in metanephric mesenchyme precursor cells are similarly low in E9.5 mutant and control embryos, indicating that apoptosis occurs after the initial metanephric mesenchyme gene expression defects

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
kavh mutation (0 available); any kavh mutation (0 available)
Osr1tm1Jian mutation (1 available); any Osr1 mutation (18 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice die prenatally or within 24 hours of birth
• mice die prenatally or within 24 hours of birth

renal/urinary system
• at P0 in all mice

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory