• approximately 5% survive to E15.5-17.5
• most mutants embryos die between 11.5 and 12.5
• at E12, yolk sac lacks blood circulation
• a hypoplastic gonadal ridge is noted at E11.5
• at E11.5, fewer mesonephric tubules are observed and the gonadal ridge is retarded
• at E11.5, the Wolffian duct is often malformed or absent in the posterior trunk region
• significantly fewer mesonephric vesicles are noted at E10.5
• Wolffian duct development is already disrupted at E9.5
• at E10.5, disrupted or posteriorly truncated Wolffian ducts are observed
• the Wolffian duct defect is always more severe on the left side than on the right side such that the left duct is often truncated posteriorly
• embryos at late gestation show generalized edema
cardiovascular system
• at E12, yolk sac lacks blood circulation
• at E11.5, embryos have hypoplastic venous valves
• at E15.5, atrioventricular junction is malformed
• at E15.5, mesothelium fails to form complete parietal pericardium
• septum primum does not form
• at E15.5, embryos lack a primary atrial septum
• at E11.5, the atria were severely dilated
• later embryos have dilated atria
• at E15.5, ventricular septum is malformed
• at E12, embryos have pooled blood in the liver and major veins
• at E11.5, blood backflow from the heart into the inflow tract is observed
renal/urinary system
• at E10.5, massive cell death is noted in the nephrogenic mesenchyme
• at E10.5 to E11.5, mutant embryos fail to initiate metanephric kidney formation
• at E10.5 to E11.5, no signs of metanephric mesenchyme condensation is observed
• at E10.5, massive cell death is noted in the nephrogenic mesenchyme
• at E15.5, all mutant embryos lack metanephric kidneys
• as a result, internal organs (e.g. pancreas and spleen) are displaced but remain morphologically normal
• at E10.5 to E11.5, ureteric bud formation is absent
endocrine/exocrine glands
absent ovary
reproductive system
absent ovary
respiratory system
• at E15.5, lung tissue is observed as a compressed mass
• at E10.5, massive cell death is noted in the nephrogenic mesenchyme