reproductive system
• superovulated homozygous females display an age-dependent increase of fragmented oocytes, however the number of oocytes produced per ovulating mouse is similar to wild-type
• oocytes at the GV stage display impaired meiotic competence and during culture ex vivo, only 50% of oocytes resume meiosis spontaneously compared with 80% of wild-type
• about 1/3 of antral stage oocytes exhibit premature progression through meiosis resulting in precocious ripening
• shorter estrous cycles (4.3 days vs. 5.3 in wild-type)
• age-related reproductive failure due to ovulation of a progressively increasing proportion of developmentally incompetent oocytes
• progressive reduction in litter size with advancing maternal age, with the reduction independent of the sperm genotype
• in females at 8.5 months of age during diestrus
• superovulated homozygous females display an age-dependent increase of fragmented oocytes, however the number of oocytes produced per ovulating mouse is similar to wild-type
• oocytes at the GV stage display impaired meiotic competence and during culture ex vivo, only 50% of oocytes resume meiosis spontaneously compared with 80% of wild-type
• about 1/3 of antral stage oocytes exhibit premature progression through meiosis resulting in precocious ripening
• embryos from homozygous mothers complete the transition from zygote to blastocyst with significantly lower frequency than controls, however those that succeed in reaching the blastocyst stage, implant and develop normally
• progressive appearance with age of degenerated and/or fragmented embryos, all along preimplantation development