• mice survived nolonger than 88 days
reproductive system
• spermatagonial cell death is abnormally high in 7 week old mice
• no primary follicles are found in the periphery of the ovary
• majority of oocytes appeared to be degenerating
• significantly fewer germs cells in both males and females
• significantly fewer germs cells in both males and females
• polyploid nuclei found in cells of kidney proximal tubules
• process of polyploidy is similar to the premature liver polyploidy of mice homozygous for Ercc1tm1Dwm
• spermatagonial cell death is abnormally high in 7 week old mice
endocrine/exocrine glands
• no primary follicles are found in the periphery of the ovary
• majority of oocytes appeared to be degenerating
renal/urinary system
• mice died between 61 and 88 days
• plasma lactate levels were 40% higher in 7-week-old mice compared to controls