adipose tissue
N |
• normal differentiation of adipocytes and adipogenesis
N |
• lipolysis normal
• thin layer chromatography revealed no qualitative or quantitative changes in epidermal lipids relative to control mice
• 57% reduction in triglycerides although triglycderides are increased in the microsomal fraction of cells
liver/biliary system
• 57% reduction in triglycerides although triglycderides are increased in the microsomal fraction of cells
• on a normal diet, liver has lower lipid content
• on a fatty diet, density and size of lipid drops is less than in similarly fed controls although lipid levels are higher than on a normal diet
endocrine/exocrine glands
• the mean area of sebaceous glands is significantly reduced to approximately half the size of control glands
• however, no changes in sebaceous gland morphology or gland number are observed
• sebaceous glands contain significantly less cells than control glands
• fat content of milk is reduced about 12% from levels seen in controls
• sebaceous glands show a significant reduction in the number of proliferating cells relative to control glands, as determined by Ki67 staining
• the mean area of sebaceous glands is significantly reduced to approximately half the size of control glands
• however, no changes in sebaceous gland morphology or gland number are observed
• sebaceous glands contain significantly less cells than control glands
• fat content of milk is reduced about 12% from levels seen in controls
• sebaceous glands show a significant reduction in the number of proliferating cells relative to control glands, as determined by Ki67 staining